
20 Bad Habits You Need To Kick In Your 20s

Your 20s really set you up for the rest of your life, the things you do will have an impact on what you will do  in the future. You might not even realise it, but some of the bad habits you have now will continue on into your 30s and 40s. It's better to stop them now while you're younger rather than paying for them later. Here are the bad habits you need to kick in your 20s.

20) Staying up until ungodly hours of the night

We all have nights every now and then where we watch an entire series until 5 in the morning. If you're a bit of a night owl and do this every night then you won't be able to function properly. If that's what you're going for it's ok, but for the rest of us it's better to get into a good routine that will pay off when we get older.

19) Setting the alarm early, so you can stay in bed longer

There is really no point to doing this at all, you're just postponing the inevitable. It can be a harsh reality to face when you realise you have to get up, but putting your phone on snooze all the time won't help the situation.

18) Binge Eating junk food at night

You could actually be really healthy and even have a salad during the day, then when you get home, you undo everything and binge on junk food at night. You spend the whole night eating crappy food and you still wonder why you aren't losing any weight.

17) Spending ill-advised amounts of money on things you don't need

You could be working, but you still live with your parents, so you don't have to pay rent. You have some extra cash to spend so you buy the most useless crap that you don't need. It will all change when you move out and you barely have enough to buy a pot of noodles from Lidl.

16) Saying shit that you don't mean

When you stuff like " No I'm fine it doesn't bother me" it's a very clear sign that it does. The person you're saying it to knows it does so whats the point of covering it up. Later on down the line when you're in a serious relationship you need to be honest about how you feel.

15) Documenting every single part of your life

It seems nowadays we can't just enjoy things, we have to document every little thing we do. When we go abroad, we spend more time taking photos than actually taking it all in. You might have a lot of photos when you come back, but you didn't fully experience it.

14) Believing everything you read online

The internet is full crap that someone who doesn't have a life made it up so that they would get a reaction. You need to start having your own opinions when you get older and stop relying on other people to keep you informed.

13) Living on your phone

It drives me up the wall when you're trying to have a conversation with someone and they're too busy on their phone. Not only is it rude, but when you get older you will come across as being extremely anti-social. It will actually benefit you if you put your phone down for once and have a proper conversation.

13) Drunk texting your ex

It's not going to do any good in all fairness, all it's going to do is bring up bad memories that you're too drunk to remember. At the time, you think it's a great idea, but in the morning you're actually disgusted with yourself.

12) Watching too much reality TV

There is very little reality in reality tv anymore, you can almost the write the show yourself it's so predictable. Somehow, people get famous from it and are now seen as celebs. Watching reality tv actually makes you feel a little bit dumber.

11) Caring too much about celebrities

We all have celebs that we like and are in some way a role model for us, but when you hang on everything they do and say it's unhealthy. Celebrity culture itself is poison and makes us believe that we all have to look and act a certain way. They're celebrities for a reason, they just do what someone else tells them to do.

10) Spending ridiculous amounts of money on a night out

When you just got paid you're delighted so spend lots of money on booze and offer to buy other people's drinks as well. The next day you realise that you spent almost all your wages and only have €20 to last you for the rest of the week.

9) Drinking way too much in the process

When you're young you can drink your body weight in alcohol and feel a tad drunk. When you get older you will realise that you can barely have 2 without feeling tipsy. Your body can't sustain the amount of alcohol you consume, so it's better to slow down and be sensible.

8) Social smoking

You might think that it's harmless and you're only doing it to be social, but soon you start to do it more often and it becomes less social. Most people can actually control themselves, but for others it becomes the habit that you can't kick.

7) Being too lazy to socialize

You have every intention of going out on the weekend, but for some reason or other you decide at the last minute not to bother. Sometimes you're just not  feeling up to it, but a lot of the time you're just too lazy and you're missing out on a chance to meet new people.

6) Procrastinating

You become an expert at this in college, but when you get older you need to learn how to use your time wisely. You can't just do everything the night before in work, you actually have to put the hard yards in before.

5) Putting off exercise

You made a promise to go to the gym more, you went once and haven't gone back since. You don't need to go to the gym to exercise, even if you just do some running, it's better than not doing anything at all.

4) Being afraid to fail

Not everything is going to go the way you wanted it to in life, sometimes it's better to accept that you have failed and move on. You will learn way more about yourself when you fail than if things always go your way.

3) Being Indecisive

When you get older you will have to make some tough decisions so it's better to break the habit now rather than later. It shows a lack of maturity if you can decide on things and at this stage in your life you should really know what is good for you by now.

2) Acting like a complete slob at home

If you are still living with your parents it won't bother you as much. When you eventually have to move out, your roommates will get sick of you leaving a mess everywhere. If you're actually tidy at home it will pay off when you end up living with your partner.

1) Having an excuse for everything

You will never take the blame for anything and you will always have some excuse for when you mess up. It actually shows maturity if you can admit when you're wrong and not have some reason why things didn't go as you planned.

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