
20 Lies That All 20 Something Year Olds Tell Themselves

As people in our 20s we often find ourselves with lots to do, filling up our lives with important things like college, work and the gym, and then the not so important things like drinking, smoking and (insert relevant vice here). It leaves us with very little time to do things, so we prioritise. Sometimes that means leaving the important and not so fun things till the last minute. As you get older you get better at procrastinating and that means coming up with some interesting lies you tell yourself....

1. I'll wake up at 7 AM tomorrow and study

2. I'll wake up at 7 AM tomorrow and study AND go for a jog

3. I will definitely get up the first time the alarm goes off and not press snooze

4. I'll just lie here for another 5 minutes but definitely without closing my eyes

5. I can't wash those dishes right now they need to soak for a bit

6. I'll catch up with that friend I haven't spoken to in years real soon

7. I don't need to write those lecture notes down. I'll remember them just fine..

8. I can quit smoking any time I want

9. This is my new work/exercise/financial plan that I'll strictly be following for the next few weeks

10. Seeing my ex with a new person doesn't bother me at all!

11. I love being single. Relationships? So over it!

12. Oh no, we're just friends. I don't have feelings for them no way

13. Just a quick look on Facebook and then I'll go to bed...

14. I will watch only ONE episode of Game of Thrones/Mad Men/Breaking Bad/anything available on Netflix

15. I'll just stay for one

16. I WILL leave the pub before it closes


19. I'll just have one more crisp...

20. I will start eating healthier on Monday

Via Student BeansĀ 

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.