
20 Very Random But Necessary Things To Do Before You Turn 20

When you turn 20, you're no longer a teenage dirtbag, in fact, you're just a dirtbag, baby. To me, 20 is the year when you get your shit together. So live it up while it lasts, because when you turn 20 you'll be married with 2.1 kids and you'll live in the suburbs with a mini-van (not really). Here are all the things you should do while you can still -kinda- get away with it.....

1) Have sex in a car.

Sneaky and fun. Well honestly, why not?

2) Jump into a pool fully clothed.

Just make sure that no electrical devices are on you.

3) Go to a fancy-pants party.

Dress up to the nines, drink a cheap knockoff of champagne and take roughly one million selfies while you're at it.

4) Go zip-lining.

Scary and fun, it's a must. Just hold on tight, yeah?

5) Thrown a seriously badass house party.

Even more life points if the big dawgs show up.

6) Take a full summer to travel.

Fly somewhere or just go on a road trip. Be spontaneous. Be adventurous. Just go with it.

7) Get unbelievably drunk - just once.

You can do it more than once, of course, but I don't think that passing out drunk on a continual basis is the best thing for your brain cells.

8) Take a huge financial risk.

Let's just hope for the best and even if it doesn't work out, then at least you're only twenty, right?

9) Get a tattoo or a piercing somewhere.

Nipple piercings are all the rage at the moment. Apparently. At least, that's what my 'friend' told me.

10) Take up a really odd hobby.

Pottery making, unicycling, trainspotting. The more obscure (weird), the better.

11) Make a brand new friend group.

I'm not saying to dump your old ones and forget about them, but they say your friend group gets smaller in your twenties, so make as many as possible while you still can.

12) Climb up a mountain and scream as loud as you possibly can.

Saw it in a movie, did it myself and it felt fucking fantastic. Just saying.

13) Book the cheapest flight you can find to another country.

And just let the magic happen.

14) Sneak into a hotel business conference.

If you pretend like you know what you're doing, then no one will question you. I pretty, pretty promise.

15) Spend a night in jail.

Now I'm not telling you to go out and murder someone or get a criminal record, but a small or embarrassing crime is a great story to tell at parties. Maybe just not to your parents...

16) Get rid of your phone for a week.

You'll realise how much you don't need it. Trust me on this one.

17) Write your future self a letter.

Write down what's important to you at this exact moment in time and what you think matters, it'll be fun to compare what your future-self thinks in 20 years time.

18) Pull the ultimate sickie.

'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' style. Do whatever the fuck you please and with the fear of being spotted, for added danger!

19) Give your lunch to or buy lunch for a homeless person.

Just be a fucking nice person, okay? It'll really make someone else's day that little bit brighter.

20) Take part in a protest.

What do you want and when do you want it?! Get angry, burn your bra, stand up for what you believe in and make your mark!

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Laura is an open minded, positive thinker (who enjoys a good rant) with a love for all movies and Marvel. She is full of thoughts but is strictly only to be approached whenever a random conversation is desired. She is also deeply in love with Kristen Stewart.