
5 Types of College Fresher You Might Meet

Every September, new students are getting ready for their first week in college.  This week consists of no class, no parents and events which prepare you for the rest of year.  Some survive and have the most ridiculous stories (yeah, I heard Joe started a riot too), while others - well - they don't fare out so well.  Traveling back home on the Friday, at the end of the week with 'Freshers Flu' and your new Nike Airs covered in complete shite, makes you wanna move back home for your spuds and heating.  Here is a lowdown on the 5 different types of students that make it through the infamous week.  Nod at your number:

1. The 'All Day Rip' Fresher

Getting the week's carryout on the Sunday night, on the way up the road to college.  Economy vodka and a few crates of beer, done.  This fresher's student card picture will be the worst; a big bloated, hungover mugshot.

2. The 'Over-Enthusiastic' Fresher

Attends every event, joins every club, gets all the free goodies (pens, woohoo) and plans what they're doing every day.  This fresher enjoys making lists and being on time.

3.  The 'Glam Girl' Fresher

New TopShop clothes for each day.  New Mac and Estee Lauder makeup.  Aviators, even though it's raining, denim shorts and trendy boots and bags.  These freshers'  have glossy hair, perfect makeup and always look fabulous.  Freshers Week is their fashion week.

4. The 'No Show-er' Fresher

Doesn't even go up for the week.  Stays at home with their mummy for an extra week, washing done and food made for them.  This Fresher will get a First.  "Sure, I've got all year to go out."

5. The 'Mess' Fresher

A favourite of the week.  Rote off before everyone.  Drinking in the morning, nap in the afternoon and then back on it.  Forgets to register.  Blows their whole loan in Paddy Power, lives off stealing their parents food for the rest of the semester.  Sneakily smokes in the shower, pulls their bedroom door off the hinges during a sesh.  This Fresher might fail the year, but at least they had a good time.  "You can always repeat, lads."

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