
5 Ways To Satisfy Your Midnight Cravings...

Sleepless nights are the worst. Tossing and turning, adjusting your pillow, wide awake and restless - we've all been there and it's incredibly frustrating. Sometimes it's your worries that keep you awake, sometimes you're just not tired enough to go to sleep and sometimes you have something you need to do before you can put your body and mind at ease. It's as if there's a growling little Gremlin inside you, waiting to be appeased before it can let you rest. Eat. Drink. Run. Shower. Whatever it is, whatever you need to sort out, whatever you need to do to get rid of the pest, do it. Satisfy your midnight cravings and then conk out like a lil baba.

Here are a few solutions to cure the most common midnight hankerings...


Get up and go for a walk or a run. Not only is this beneficial to your health, it will also dispel your unwanted excess energy. In fact, no matter what time of the day or night, if you feel like doing some exercise, go for it. There is nothing better for your mood, your body and your mind than physical activity. You'll snooze like a pro every night and you'll feel less tired during the day.


This is the easiest problem to solve. If you're reading this article, you have access to the internet. As you may or may not know, there is loads of stuff to do and see on the internet. Start learning a new language, look up flights for a holiday you'll never go on, check out a few weirdos on or stick on an a TV show or movie. In fact, the last option is probably your best bet. A classic old movie like Gremlins will bring you back to your childhood days and put you in your comfort zone. Comfort = sleep = see you tomorrow, you're welcome. Let's just hope you don't have any early lectures to get up for in the morning.


They say chocolate after midnight is good for your soul... and your eyesight... and gives some people the power of invisibility. Good thing you've got that fun-pack of Snickers to fill the angry void in your belly. Satisfy your hunger with a tasty snack and go to bed happy.


This is the one that keeps me up most often because, for me, regret is the worst feeling in the world. Thinking about something you coulda/woulda/shoulda done can keep a grown man or woman awake for days. Stop worrying about it and take the risk. Do something outrageous. Ask your crush on a date. Go on, you have the nuts... don't you?


If this is what's frustrating you, it should be very easy to deal with. Feel like there's something nice you should say or do to make somebody you care about happy? Or maybe you just feel great yourself and you want to do something about it. Go for it: Send that text you're thinking about; Write the letter you've been putting off; Better yet, write a poem, a song, an essay, a blog post, a bloody Facebook status about what's making you happy. Pharrell did it and people were generally pretty pleased about that, so why shouldn't you? Tell a few people how much they mean to you or tell the world why today was a pretty good day. The world needs to know, so get sharing. Take it easy though, being too happy is weird...

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