
7 Foodie Resolutions

Feeling a bit like this after Christmas?


First things first, Stop eating the leftover quality street. You don’t like them and the idea of eating them all just so they’re gone makes absolutely no sense.


Dump the dairy. Instead fill your fridge with Almond milk, Soy yogurts, Soy butter etc. Christmas was a good excuse to indulge in all things creamy but January is here, back to the grind & dairy has no place in your diet.


January Juicing. It’s time to finally get rid of that winter cold and juicing is the only way to do it. Bin the meds and instead drink a freshy pressed juice a day and watch those sniffles disappear, not to mind an abudance of other benefits such as weight loss(check out my Juice post for more).Jason Vale has started the world biggest juice detox this week, so there is no better time to try the fad out for yourself.


Meat free Monday’s. This is an international campaign started in 2003 to improve your diet and health. Many celebrities and celebrity chefs such as Paul McCartney and Jamie Oliver have supported the project that claims to have a huge impact on your health, the planet and animal welfare. As a former vegan, I am all for it and am excited to try lots of amazing vegetarian recipes that often get ignored.


New Year, New Restaurants. I love trying new restaurants but, I have to admit I often fall into the trap of going to my favorite restaurants over and over again. Image have listed the top 25 hottest restaurants in Dublin and I want to try them all over the next few months. Early birds are a great way to try an amazing restaurant without the hefty bill.


Dessert and Wine at every meal can only lead to one thing. Swap the wine for water, and desert for dark chocolate.



Get up off your ass and workout. That muffin top is not attractive and it needs to go. Yes it’s cold, Yes January is depressing, Yes it’s hard, but stop making excuses, get up, get out, do what you can with what you have and get fit. It will take a few weeks to see any results but summer will be here before you know it so just keep going.

They say you are what you eat, and I for one do not want to be fast, cheap, easy or fake.

Some inspration from Candice and Kim.

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Dublin girl who likes to eat good food.