
7 Lazy Girl Tips For Getting Up In The Morning

The age-old struggle of getting up in the morning. For those of us who feel so morally inclined, we rise from our beds like the walking dead and trudge our way to college for those dreaded nine am classes that we just know aren't worth it. Here are a few tips that'll help you to lessen the struggle of getting up in the morning.

1. Get your clothes out the night before

This can sometimes be the longest part of people's morning when they're trying to get out the door. After all, you can just spend the day staring at your wardrobe trying to pick something. Do it the night before and that way you won't have to argue with your brain over how logical it is to just go back to bed until about....tomorrow.

2. Drag yourself into the shower

This one is definitely a challenge. I mean, a shower can take anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour depending on how many of my life choices I'm going to question. So you'd have to get up even earlier than you would if you were just going to roll out of bed and head in. Trust me though, it really does help, it gets your circulation going and it'll leave you feeling refreshed and fabulous as ever.

3. Dry Shampoo will be your friend

If on the other hand you decide that there isn't a snowballs chance in hell of you showering, you need to invest in dry shampoo - the lazy girl's best friend.

4. Have something for breakfast ready to go

Whether it's porridge, pancakes or even a banana - make sure you have something edible to wake up for.

5. Focus on one thing you're looking forward to that day

Even if it's just the coffee you're going to pick up once you get to college, focus on it, imagine adding a pastry or a muffin perhaps? These incentives will make you rise faster.

6. Set interval alarms

Don't set a snooze on your alarm in the morning. Live dangerously, after all who needs that kind of temptation in their life. Instead, set three different alarms with three different tones and put a reminder with each one like 'lunch with Sarah.' This will wake up your brain and start you thinking about the day - exactly what you need to get you out of the sack.

7. Always have water beside your bed

It will rehydrate you and wake you up faster, just make sure it's not a an old vodka and lemonade from 2 weeks ago.

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