
7 Lessons We Learnt From Step Brothers

6 years on and Adam McKay's Step Brothers is still one of our favourite comedy classics! It's up there with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly's finest work. A truly laugh out loud comedy, and here's what we learned from the 40-something brothers!

7. It's never too old to lose your virginity.

Nope, believe it or not people HAVE gotten laid after 40 and indeed lost their virginity. Sure what did Steve Carrel teach us? There is a happy ending for everyone out there!

6. It's not okay to rub your testicles on someone else's belongings.

It's usually a good rule of thumb not to rub your testicles on someone's belongings, especially if they're as prized as Dale's epic drum set.

5. Time is precious - don't waste it!

Brennan: "Okay, what do we do?" Dale: "We get to work. And we hit the beat laboratory right now. Let's go!"

Take the initiative and make things happen for yourself. Companies like Prestige Worldwide don't just happen overnight you know!

4. Combining your single beds gives you so much extra room for activities!

Possibly one of the most memorable quotes from Step Brothers, and one of the funniest scenes. I know I slapped my two single beds together immediately after watching the film.

3. It's possible to guilt your parents into supporting you financially.

If your beloved pet budgie passes, you'll be able to juice your parents finances for a brief period of time. But if you fail your final year in college by 5% or your childhood dog dies, you'll be able to take them to the cleaners. Stay at home, feet up, and just turn on the waterworks every once in a while.

2. Staying at home until you're 40 is no easy feat.

Let's be honest, the two lads are living the dream! Staying at home, no jobs or responsibilities and watching daytime television like Cops and Shark Week. It only made me envious!

1. Be suspicious of your 9-5 jobs.

Don't be afraid to chase those dreams - remember how depressed they were working their normal day jobs? Take Brennan and Dale's advice, and look for that dream job, whether it be a professional drum player, opera singer or prosperous entrepreneur.

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.