
The 7 Places You Shouldn't Take A Selfie

The whole world has gone mad for 'a good selfie'. Even Oxford English Dictionary have copped the trend by adding the infamous word to their database. But why is the selfie so important to us 20 somethings? Maybe the iPhone's reversible camera is just too irresistable? Maybe it's because you don't have a third party there to take a picture of you and your friend? For whatever the reason people just can't seem to get enough.

There are some places where taking a selfie is just wrong. When drunk, there is no saying how far I am willing to go. But when sober we should rise above it and have some god damn pride. Snapchat is the invention that has brought selfie's to a new level but restrain yourself and wait until you are in the privacy of your own home. So, for us students out there who have less shame than Paris Hilton exiting a car, here are the places where it is not okay to take a selfie.

1) While Driving

Now, listen, I am taking your health and safety into account here. It is dangerous, and let's face it, it's not very cool to be caught taking a selfie in your car. With my 500MB of data Pay As You Go €30 a month plan it can be tempting. But there is nothing worse than that glare from the car next to you when you pout into the camera and press that button. Please note, if you are urging to take a selfie while driving make sure a) no one can see and b) that you are in a parked position.

2) Library

I get it. You're bored in the library. You are talking away to your friends in your cleverly named Whatsapp group. Everyone is sending pictures is tempting...but DON'T DO IT. There are many many people around and if Libro Cop caught you it would be oh so embarrassing. Also, that guy that you have shifted a few times is right over there and we wouldn't want him to think we were vain now would we? If it is absolutely necessary to take a selfie..MAKE SURE THE FLASH IS OFF!

3) The Bathroom

Ah the dreaded 'I'm taking a picture of myself while looking in the mirror and posing' selfie. This could be one of the most annoying. And to be honest I can't really do it...believe me I've tried. There is something about the twist of the camera while making your body look phenomenal that I can't master. These can be some of the most slagged photos, especially if you are intentionally trying to look good. Save yourselves the embarrassment and reverse the camera or just stop all together. This is also a dangerous place to take a selfie. No one wants a cleaning lady to photobomb their beautiful picture.

4) In Hospital

It's been a very drunken night, which unfortunately, has led to you being brought to the hospital by your poor friend who got shafted with you. This is not, I repeat, NOT the time to take a selfie. I'm sure you're friends would find it amusing but you never know who might see it. And if you are stupid enough to Instagram or Tweet it yourself...I'm afraid there is no further advice I can give you.

5) In The Scene of A Crime

It is not appropriate under any circumstances to take a selfie in certain situations: a) where someone needs help, b) a crime is taking place or, the more obvious, c) when you are committing the crime yourself. In the case of a fire or burglarly you should use your phone for other uses...maybe call the police...maybe try and help...but taking a selfie is not a good call. Even if it is just for the 'craic' someone might see you and think you are a horrible person. In the case that you are committing the crime yourself: Don't be so bloody stupid!

6) On The Bus

With Dublin Bus's new free WiFi, I find myself less bored on the way into college. I can creep on Facebook and Whatsapp to my hearts content. I have taken a selfie on a bus for Snapchat with the clever title 'Nigs on the bus!' and I'm sure you all have too. Remember: if there is a lot of people on the bus, if the person behind you can see or if anyone you know, even just briefly met, see's you it is mortifying. Just be careful about this one!

7) In a Lecture're in're bored...your day is going worse than waking up and not knowing who is lying next to you. You are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There's nothing really going on there. Ah Snapchat! Let's see who's been snapchatting me today. Time to respond...flick your hair...pout or stick out your tongue..but what has happened. NOOOOO the big bloody *click* has just gone off. The whole room has heard and they are, now, all looking at you. This is just so embarassing. I will never recover...

8) Funeral

A funeral? Really? Who can admit they have done this? Maybe it is because I haven't been to a funeral recently but this is beyond inappropriate. No matter how good you looked that day..just don't do it. Could you imagine the shock on the priests face if he caught you taking a selfie? And if he joined in on the action..well that would be an unreal photo...but that's besides the point. I'd refrain from doing this. But if you want to follow in the footsteps of one of the worlds biggest leaders, Obama himself, then take a selfie at a funeral.

 9) When You Are About To Die

This will be a rare occasion. If you are about to die there is a lesser chance that you will take a selfie...or so I thought. The following man took a selfie straight after his plane had crashed while he was in the water in a lifejacket. I don't really know what to say...

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.