
8 Lies Everyone Has Told About Their Holidays

Holidays are magical. They seem like the most amazing thing in the world, like they'll wash all of your stress and worries away from you as soon as you get to go on one. Sure when you were young and your parents were the ones dealing with all the stress it might have been, but you had the obligation to return from that holiday with an array of incredible stories. And the lies didn't stop when you became an adult either.

1. "I shifted a girl on holidays."

The classic. It's a popular one, still alive and well today. Your friend that's never been able to talk to a girl comes back sunburned and peeling then tells you that he kissed a girl on holidays. Right away you're skeptical because it just doesn't make sense and that it happened at the one time you weren't there.

2. You made some friends and got drunk.

When you're that little bit older and being drunk is edgy rather than your most frequent activity. You made some older, cool friends and you all got drunk on the beach or in a pub. Maybe thats where you "got with that girl".

3. You were Indiana Jones for two weeks.

This is usually, hopefully anyway, reserved for when you were a kid and you wanna dazzle the playground. You went to an ancient pyramid, just outside Paris and you, of all people, were the one to find the secret tunnel that had a load of treasure inside. It was ancient though and it went to a museum, that's why you aren't rich right now.

4. You met a celebrity.

Can you believe that Justin Bieber was in Devon, right when you were visiting your aunt? Crazy, right? but he's a really nice guy. He asked if you wanted to go on tour in September but you can't because you have school.

5. I saw boobs.

The holy grail for a young man. Your friends gather around and you tell them all what the boobs were like at the nude beach or at least what you thought boobs were like.

6. I stuck to my diet while on holidays.

You gonna use the hotel's gym? You won't and you aren't going to wake up early and go for a run on the beach. If you do it'll just turn into you making a sandcastle, poking a jellyfish with a stick and then going for a burger.

7. I had so much fun.

The flight was at ten past 5 in the morning, you got sunburned as soon as you stepped outside, your family started bickering and your room was right above the nightclub and right beside the pool so you never got to sleep properly.

8. I can't wait to go on holidays again.

You don't want to be back at work but after all the flights and the amount of money spent, plus by the second week you had already started to watch dubbed versions of your favourite TV shows and that's a hole you don't wanna fall into.

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