
8 Signs That You'd Be Better Off Single...

You always want what you don't have. Curly haired and dreaming of smooth flowing locks, tall and envying the smaller people of the world, single and dreaming of Sundays spent curled up in bed with some hot, considerate, vision of beauty. What happens though, if you're in a relationship and some small, niggling little voice in the back of your head tells you that you'd probably be better off alone? Whether it's your partner that's making you feel that way, or you're just too independent to answer to someone else, here are 8 signs that you'd be better off single...

1) You Don't Look Forward To Seeing Them Any More

Well, that's not a very good sign now, is it? Relationships are all about wanting, needing to spend time together and looking forward to seeing them, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. If you feel nothing in anticipation of seeing them (bar dread, or a feeling of 'here we go again'), then you'd probably be better off single.

2) And You Live For Nights Out With Your Friends

Lads nights out or girls on the town, are the highlights of your social calendar. That's not to say that you can't enjoy time with your friends when you're happy in a relationship, of course you can and you should, but if you spend all of your time planning and thinking about your next friend night on the razz as opposed to a rare date night, then maybe you need to reassess your priorities.

3) Where You Spend Every Moment Away From Them Flirting Like Crazy

And speaking of friends nights out, you won't leave the house until you look like the very best version of yourself, which is something that you'd never do for your other half. Why bother? They don't make the effort for you, after all. So off you trot with your friends, you down many, many drinks and dance and flirt and basically forget that you have a misery waiting at the other end of the phone line for you. And you know what? You love every single moment of it.

4) They Make You Miserable

In every way possible. They make you feel like shit. They never compliment you and consistently put you down. They never tell you they love you or never make an effort. You feel as though you've worked and worked, but have gained nothing from it. You're trying to save what's left of this 'so called' relationship, but honestly? You feel as though you're drowning in it all.

5) And The Sex Is Terrible

If this is the only factor in your desire to be single, then maybe slow down a second. Yes, sex is a huge factor in a relationship, but it's relatively easy to improve things between the sheets. The internet is filled with instructions and tips on how to spice things up (this very website, being one such example), so do a little homework and you could find a whole new hidden dimension to your sex life. If though, terrible sex is just another factor in a completely messed up relationship, then you'd probably be better off single.

6) You've Imagined The Various Ways In Which You Could Dump Them

Well....this isn't really the best sign, to be honest. If you were anyway happy at all, you wouldn't be spending your time fantasising about how best to break their precious little heart into a million pieces. Which means that you actually must hate them..

7) And Despite It Being Something You'd Normally Never Consider, You've Thought About Cheating

Not good, and if you've actually gone through with it and cheated, then really not good. Are the warning bells not sounding by now? People cheat because they're not being fulfilled in some area of their lives and so, they go out and find someone else to satisfy their needs. You're better than this and you know it. Fess up, break up and move on.

8) Or They've Cheated On You

Dump, dump and dump again. Don't believe what they say. They might be sorry, but chances are, they're going to do it again. Don't give them the chance. You're better off single and you know it.

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Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.