
8 Things You Should Have Stopped Doing By The Time You're In College

Interrupting conversations.

Remember when you were 5, when your parents were talking and you’d walk over mid-conversation, start acting like a little shit and cry and shit yourself until you got some attention? Just me?  You got away with that because it was cute... Some people are still little shits incapable of comprehending the notion of waiting their turn to speak. Bite your tongue...

Poor hygiene.

I do remember a time when I would go a solid week before having a 'bath' in my own filth... These days I couldn't fathom not having 2 showers a day, ok maybe that's a little much but it makes me feel cleaner than I behave. There's no excuse, especially if you're around people, not to clean yourself on the reg... Remember, poor hygiene = no friends!


With the massive rise of ignorant and disrespectful individuals populating the world — verbal spats and altercations are inevitable... Be the bigger person, walk away and watch the sexual partners walk towards you.

Social networking your relationship.

The strangest phenomenon, those in relationships having conversations with each other, I mean could you two not just text each other and keep your lovey dovey shit off my timeline... I reckon even Zuckerberg regrets creating Facebook when he sees this nonsense.

Picking your nose.

Seriously, just grab a tissue. If I walk in a room and you jerk your hand away from your face, then begin to roll something between your index finger and thumb, I know you’re guilty... I'm watching you.


By now you’ve likely experienced enough scenarios where things don't go your way. Throwing fits, breaking stuff, screaming, and having an attitude when people piss you off isn't going to help. Don’t sulk and act like the shit head you did when you used to have an outburst out shopping ’cause you parents didn’t buy you what you wanted. Go ahead.. Throw your phone against the wall and see what happens...

Sending friends to talk to girls for you.

I remember sending my friend over to ask a girl for her phone number. She gave a firm, “No,” and stated that if I wanted to approach her, I needed to do it myself. Mind you, I was 14 at the time and she shouldn't have been so mean but If a girl who was in her teens recognised a cowardly act, surely grown women will. Rejection through a middle man is the worst kind of rejection...

Being In anyway associated with School...

If you’re 20+ years of age, you should not be reliving your glory days. You had your 6 or so years to shine, I'm looking at you ex-rugby schools legends who attend games and critique the current team. Move on, find a hobby, and live a grown-up life. Also, and this goes for guys/girls -  No dating sixth years, you'll get a bad rep.

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