
9 Everyday Things You Can Do To Look After Your Mental Health

In Ireland, it's believed that one in five young people aged 19 to 24 have experienced some sort of mental health difficulties.

Today is World Mental Health Day, with the aim of increasing awareness in this area – and, of course, to help end the stigma that surrounds it. These nine things won't fix everything, but they will genuinely help make a difference – and more importantly, they can be achieved every day with ease.

1. Talk about it

You've heard this one before, but it bears repeating.

Talking about it is huge. Whether it's with a friend over a cup of tea or a parent/guardian just talking about it will take a weight off your shoulders.


Exercise has been proven to boost your mood by releasing endorphin's also known as 'happy' hormones. By getting in that early morning run or hitting the gym – or even doing a simple seven-minute workout at home before jumping in the shower – you'll definitely see the effects.

3. Keep a diary

By writing out your feelings, good or bad, you will definitely feel a huge release.

If you're not the type to keep a diary, try writing how you're feeling on a piece of paper – any sort of acknowledgement of your feelings will ease the worry.

4. Get those ZZZZ's

Getting enough sleep is vital. It's recommended eight hours is needed for our bodies to be functioning at our best. So instead of binge-watching Netflix until all hours, try to leave your phone in the living room (really, you don't need it, and you know you don't need it) and read a book to help nod off.

5. Surround yourself with the right people

Be around people who make you laugh and boost your mood. There's no point hanging with people who make you feel bad about yourself; no matter how important they once were to you, or how much fun they can be when they're in a 'good' mood.

Remember – you deserve to be happy.

6. Meditate

Taking time to yourself is just as important as hanging out with good people. Of course, it takes a bit of practice and there's more to it than just closing your eyes – but with apps like Headspace and Buddhify it's never been easier.

7. Try something new

Whether it be a new jogging route or trying a new cafe, or just following some new people on Twitter, it's the little things that can bring enjoyment into our day.

8. Accept the feelings

It's okay not to feel okay. We all have days where were not feeling one hundred percent and that makes us human. Instead of beating yourself up about it take a few deep breathes and realise it happens to all of us – like, literally, all of us – and there's nothing to feel guilty about.

9. And finally... try to accept that you can't change a situation by worrying

Overthinking is something we all do – instead of worrying, it's important to realise that for the vast majority of things, you can't change the outcome, and it's okay to let it go.

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