
9 Steps To Survive A College Romance Over Summer

Summer vacation is perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to a college romance. Either you're together a year and must brave the storm of three months apart or you just got together in the past three or four months and are now facing the make or break of the relationship. If you are in this predicament then this article should prove a useful guide in your future romantic endeavours. Here are nine steps to guide you on the primrose path of dalliance this Summer.

Step 1.

Decide how important this relationship is to both partners. Is it a bit of fun, a fling? Summer romances are sometimes the best, don't spoil your chances because you "kind of" like this guy/girl who is at the other side of the country. There is no point in even trying to make a long distance relationship work if a couple are not seriously committed.

Step 2.

If you decide to stay together then trust is very important. Chances are you will not be living in close proximity to your other half like you would during the semester so trust needs to be existent for a healthy relationship.

Step 3.

Communicate! It is so important to talk. I think it is important to note here that all couples are different. Some can go a few days without speaking and then have a big catch up whether it be instant message, a phone call, skype etc. Just because Kate and Nick text each other smileys and kisses every other minute of the day doesn't mean you and Andy need to. Every relationship is different and that is okay.

Step 4.

Communicate yes, but personal space is also very important.  Both of you are doing different things, hanging out with different friends, people you haven't met before; having fun without you etc. Don't get jealous. You are two different people living different lives. Just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean you have to do everything together. After all, it is Summer. If Amy hasn't messaged back straight away then you are just going to have to trust in her.

Step 5.

Don't cheat. If you do, then be upfront about it. Also don't cheat because you have doubts your partner is cheating. That is stupid and hypocritical, especially if you have voiced concerns about them at such and such's alcohol fueled beach party.

Step 6.

If you miss them then let them know. If you see a link you think they will like, email them. Let them know you are thinking about them. Don't hide away being shy, not wanting to put your foot out first. It is okay to be lonely and miss your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Step 7.

Depending on circumstances, arrange a suitable rota of meeting up AT LEAST ONCE during the Summer. Invite them out with your friends, organize a fun day out. Make sure they are part of your Summer 2014 memories and take lots of photo's.

Step 8.

Be assertive. If things aren't working out; either the romance fades or the distance is too much, then break up. Don't cling on all Summer waiting to see if things change in September. The relationship will either make or break. Sadly this is the reality.

Step 9.

If you aren't together that long and are unsure if you guys can stand the test of time, take a break. Come back in September and review.

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