
13 Annoying Things About Being A Food Server

Working as a food server is the quintessential student job. It has plenty of benefits for students: flexible hours, work experience and cold, hard cash. But with all of those benefits come disadvantages aswell. Here's our list of the most annoying things about being a food server...

No Tips

Minimum wage doesn’t cut it. The only reason I do this is for the tips. Tips make it actually worthwhile to put up with all the crap that goes with waitressing.

When a €600 table leaves you a fiver, you have to give them that look.


"What can I get you?"

"… Ehhhmmm ‘"  *Customer frantically looks at menu they've had for 15 minutes*.

"Will I give you a minute to decide?"

"No, ehhhmmm….."

This "ehmmm" is the soundtrack to your shift.

Please take your time while I waste mine standing here in a packed restaurant with a million other things to do.


We live in an age where people can’t even have a simple meal unless they’ve first stopped to take a picture of it. It’s a proven fact your food will taste better with a Hudson filter, matte finish and extra frame.

Can You Please Describe Everything On the Menu?

“What drinks do you do?”

Do you think you’re the first person to wonder that? We did print up a menu to answer just that question.

Really? You want me to read it to you instead of looking at it yourself? Ain’t nobody got time for that.


The joy of watching the offspring of lazy parents tearing around the place with no regard for all the servers carrying heavy trays.

Restaurant? Playground? Who knows?

Don't be mad that the staff look smug when your little angel trips on a chair.

Extremely Complicated Maths

I’ve done the Leaving Cert but don’t throw some equation at me when I’m up to my eyes with no calculator in sight.

I can’t divide a bill in 6 and separate Michelle’s starter from the final total. Please don’t ask me to. Just no.

The Couple

No, don’t mind me. Please, I love standing here awkwardly while you fondle, feed, cuddle, shift, hug and play with each other. Yuck.

Seeing Someone Being Stood Up

This is the opposite of the couple. See that anxious looking girl/guy who’s checking there phone every 5 minutes. Eventually you have to ask the dreaded question “Is anyone joining you?” You need that table, there are people waiting. Dude you’ve been stood up- I feel sorry for you and I just had to clean the toilets  – save your dignity and go home.

Oh, Hey There, Mr... McLovin?

Your older sibling is clearly 18. You, my friend, are not. Please don’t get offended when I ask for I.D. Cokes all round.

Please And Thank You

It’s simple really. The most basic thing you were ever taught. Yet, people forget them- when you’ve worked hard for most of the night, a little appreciation goes a long way.

"We’ll both have the lamb... You like lamb, don’t you, sweet pea?"

A couple walks in and the man orders for both himself and his partner without ever consulting what she might actually want. It's 2017 - let them decide themselves. I weep for this relationship. You poor girl.

The Complicated Order

“Can I have a blue cheese and olive salad? With no blue cheese or olives and extra chicken with dressing on the side.” Are you serious? Please make my life as difficult as possible. And then complain when I mess it up.

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Therese Walsh is a recent graduate of University College Dublin with the entirely employable degree of English and music. She enjoys the facts on the inside of snapple caps and writing mini biographies.