
Childhood Games to Rediscover in College


The perfect game to ease a hangover, just make sure you put a killer in the envelope, otherwise you’re in for a long evening.


A mind game that will leave you reluctant to trust your closest pals anytime soon. Get familiar with how to play here, and then narrate your pals in and out of some tense situations.



Exercise Caution; it goes on for as long as you remember, and can get a hundred times more heated, especially now with the inclusion of more mature dodgy dealings.



Great after a few glasses of wine if you find yourself feeling like a war lord. Very difficult to understand.


This portable boardgame is still surprisingly fun, and there’s always someone who’s never played before. Beat them, or if it’s you, learn fast!

Pass the Orange.

Still ridiculous. Use whatever fruit you have in the house, and make sure you stand next to someone you fancy.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

N.B. Need not contain real donkey.

[youtube id="OUGGyq4naMM" width="100%" height="360"]

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