
'Diet Avocados' Are Now A Thing You Can Buy

"Can I get a diet avocado please?" doesn't sound right does it...

The superfood has become a global phenomenon and now you can buy it in a fat free form. Strange, we know. We're still trying to figure it out how that's even possible.

Did you know that avocados are actually a fruit and not vegetables? We didn't. Apparently, it's a form of berry. The food is known to be full of healthy monosaturated fats but one company decided a diet form is 100% necessary. Twitter users disagreed with the move:

The Spanish company Isla Bonita claim their Avocado Light is 30% less fat than your regular avocado. The company claim on their website that their avocados take longer to brown when exposed to air. The company believes that the nutritional benefit of the avocado is changed by the climate they're grown in. The avocados are not genetically modified. We're more confused than ever.

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