
Going Through A Quarter-Life Crisis? Don't Panic, It'll Be All Be Fine...

Discussions with you parents can sometimes be scary, especially when they say things like...
"At your age I was engaged and had a mortgage."
"But mom, I'm only twenty two!"

But don't mind that. Times have changed and now, it's perfectly acceptable to be a bit lost in your early twenties. Your college years are the time for you to relax, experiment and find out what it is you want from life. So don't scare yourself by worrying about the future, avoid the quarter-life crisis at all costs!

Here are a few tips to help you figure things out:

1. Internships

Doing a few internships throughout college (during the summer, for example) is a great way of gaining experience, making important contacts and discovering what kind of work you enjoy. All of this will give you a better idea what kind of job you'd like to have when you finish college.

2. Don't overthink things

There is no point in freaking out thinking about the unknown. Panic only prevents you from making sensible decisions. My advice is to go with the flow, take the opportunities that come your way and see where you end up.

3. Save

I know this is a really hard one! We all need money and our Saturday nights out on the town don't pay for themselves, so do try to put a bit of money away. You don't even need a specific plan, it's just nice to know you can go travelling - or do whatever else you fancy - at the drop of a hat, because you have the money... Unreal!

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Emily is a self-confessed film freak who basically converses in movie quotes. After four short years of Media Production and Harcourt Street studies, Emily now divides her time between sunny Rathfarnham and the College Times offices, where she enjoys sharing her wisdom with you, the adoring public!