
Everything You Need For A Festive College House Party

Hosting a house party is a catch-twenty-two. When you entertain, you want to do it right and what better time to go mad and kick back in style than the festive season? A good college house party can consist of any number of things, but here are the downright essentials. Here's everything you need for a festive college house party:

Guest List

Crunching the numbers isn't the most exciting part of party planning, but you’re better off setting your guest list expectations early on before uninvited guests show up with thirty of their closest friends or even worse, NOBODY shows up. But I'm sure that that won't happen......

 Red Bull Tropical

Red Bull just got soooooo much better, if that was actually possible. This stuff tastes like you're sitting on a Caribbean island somewhere, basking in the sun and not actually sitting in your mate Sean's gaff in the greying suburbs in December. Mix it with rum and you have your cocktail for the night and you can trick yourself into believing that you're not actually freezing. The only problem is that goes down a little too easily.....

Some Christmassy Decorations

Now, I'm not suggesting that you go the whole hog here and buy a seven-foot real tree or anything, but it's amazing what a difference some tinsel, a few candles or even a tiny fake tree can make. Domesticated? That's you alright...

Plastic Cups

Broken glass. Hangovers. Cleaning up when hungover. Eh, no thank you, please. Enough said.

A Deck of Cards

What’s a house party without drinking games? Bringing out a deck of playing cards for the first few hours will get everyone warmed up and let the embarrassing “Never Have I Ever” stories commence. Just try not to let anything too embarrassing slip....

 The Perfect Party Playlist

A party without music is like Kanye without Kanye or a sandwich without mayo. Just not right, basically. Be sure that the self-proclaimed DJ at your party plays tracks that make people get up and dance and because this is a festive party, mix things up with some classic crimbo tunes and some banging party hits, just to ensure that nobody's needs are uncatered for.

Sound System

This is self- explanatory. Amplify your beats and for the love of GOD people, log into a Spotify premium account because nobody and I mean nobody wants to hear loud ads interrupting their dancing session.


Snacks are key in ensuring that people stay at the party and don't tend to wander off into the night with thoughts of kebabs fresh in their foggy minds. Order pizza or set out a few bags of crisps or, if you're really feeling it, ham sambos and mince pies. Spruce things up because why not?


This may seem obvious, but it’s a necessity worth mentioning. No one likes a warm drink and it's not like it'll go to waste anyway. What's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD!


It all boils down to personal taste. Keep your fridge stocked up to the max with a nice old selection of mixers and I promise you, everyone will be as happy as larry. Red Bull Tropical and rum , you heard it here first folks...

Disposable Cameras

Sure, it’s old school, but what’s better than letting your intoxicated guests document the night from every angle? Pictures speak louder than words and there's less of a chance of those photos ending up online. All together now. *Phew*

Fairy Lights

It's Christmas time and not to forget, it's also party time and so combine the two and whip out as many fairy lights as is humanly possible. Not only will the glow make everyone look that much prettier (boys included), but it'll add a nice festive, party feel to the place with minimal effort. You glow girl!

The stereotypical bowl of punch, or in this case, mulled wine. 

Am HELLO, it's Christmas people. Christmas! So forget your six thousand bottles of beer and whip up some seasonal mulled wine. Oh and it also helps to mask the smell of your (likely) quite musky house, just saying....

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