
Sweat Patches and Prickly Legs: Summer Fashion Fears

Summer is always a difficult time to dress for. Sweater weather is over and you can no longer hide under an over-sized jumper and tights. Here are every girl's worst fashion fears when the sun comes out.

1) Forgetting To Shave 

There's nothing worse than rushing around in the morning, throwing on any old outfit you found on the floor, only to realise that you forgot to shave. Not to mention that when you finally do realise, it's too late as you're already halfway through your bus journey. All you can really do is keep your arms down or make a quick stop into Penny's for some tights.

2) Patchy Tan

Irish girls practically glow with paleness during the summer. Our pasty pins could blind a person. Many will opt for a bottle to fake a glow, but with hot weather comes sweat which is your tan's worst nightmare.

3) Clothing Malfunctions

Shorts riding up, skirts blowing in all directions; constantly adjusting yourself is not a good look while walking down the street.

4) Sweat Patches

In theory, that light blue shirt dress is the perfect Summer outfit. That is until you step outside and walk in the sun for 5 minutes only to remember that light colours and sweat don't mix. Do yourself a favour and avoid light colours when it's this hot.

5) Sticking To Every Surface Area

There is nothing worse than having to peel yourself off a leather couch. Or a bench. Or any surface for that matter. Not to mention grass leaving its mark on the back of your thighs every time you try to eat your lunch outdoors. Oh the pain.

5) Being Self- Conscious

Having to show more skin is daunting to many people. From worrying about not having your perfect 'summer body' to being self-conscious about stretch marks or cellulite (which EVERYONE has), the thoughts of wearing less clothing can send any girl into panic mode. What you need to remember is that nobody cares, so wear those shorts like they were made for you. Not quite ready to show some skin? Luckily boho is huge every summer so loose flowy clothing will not only cover all your insecurities, but will also have you looking style savvy. 

6) Last Year's Summer Wear Not Fitting

Exams were a stressful time and you ate a lot of junk and chocolate; completely understandable and not a big deal. That is until you root out last year's summer wear only to realise that your favourite dress doesn't quite zip up. Oops.

7) Showing Your Feet

From flip flops cutting in between your toes, to cracked heels and un-pedicured nails, summer footwear isn't always practical or cute. Sandals hurt, and feet are pretty gross.

8) Sweating Your Makeup Off

No matter how many 'heat proof' and anti-shine makeup products you buy, you will inevitably sweat and your face will look greasy. Even primer, setting powder and setting spray won't stop it. It may help, but you will still have the fear of a shiny forehead, patchy foundation and panda eyes. Ditch the full face of makeup and stick to light, natural coverage instead.

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Journalism and French student with an unhealthy obsession for all things fashion and beauty. Comedy nerd and art enthusiast. I just want to live in Paris and enjoy lattes and croissants on a daily basis.