
The Documentary Airing Tonight On RTE That Every Young Person Must See

There's no secret that Ireland's youth are struggling to make ends meet. There's a ridiculous pressure to get your life under control from your late teens/early twenties, but no one ever seems to talk about it. Well that is, until now. There's a documentary airing tonight on RTE that every young person must see.

It's called Generation F'd and it follows the lives of everyday twenty-somethings in Ireland who have not yet felt the positive effects of the so-called economic boom our politicians and older generations keep talking about.

It's a much-needed and raw look into the lives of people who can't afford to eat, keep a roof over their head and live well in a country that prides itself on prosperity and growth. As one girl says in the trailer: "They're preaching to the world that we're in a recovery - come to Ireland, come to Dublin and see the 1916 celebrations, but step on the homeless people while you're doing that".

Others in the trailer say they can't plan a future, that they don't have someone in government who understands the plight of people who can't put food on the table. It's all true and it really hits home.

Watch the trailers below and tell us, will you be watching?

Also read: This Famous Aussie Surfer's Video Of Ireland Shows How Deadly It Really Is

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.