
Here Are The Strangest Trends Of 2020

2020, What A Year!

I think that most people can agree intermediate nation wide lockdowns and the global pandemic has driven everyone to some sort of cabin fever, sparking plenty of creative hobbies and some questionable trends in 2020.

Bangs, Buzzcuts and Mullets

With the pandemic forcing the closure of many businesses, barbers have been one of the worst effected. This has led to dodgy "lockdown haircuts". Fades can be one of the hardest trims to master which has seen a surge in easier to execute do's. Hence, the buzz cut and the mullet became a big thing again. The last time mullets were such a thing was in the 80's!

Bangs have also came back (with a bang). Scissors can be a bit trickier than a clippers but that didn't leave  DIY fresh trims are still a thing now as barbers and hairdressers have been forced to close, with Tánaiste saying it will be one of the last to reopen.


Cooking and baking have become extremely popular again as people are stuck inside. And for some reason banana bread has been the most popular? The banana bread phenomenon is still a mystery looking back but hey, it still tastes good.

Stick & Poke Tattoos

Yes you read that right, prison tattoos became a thing in 2020. With tattoo parlors shut, people had taken it upon themselves to purchase kits online and start doodling on themselves. The stick & poke isn't like the tattoo gun though. The whole process can be time consuming and lengthy as each jab of the needle with fresh ink represents one dot on your skin. With nothing else to do, you can understand how this sounds attractive. What better feeling than fresh ink? The only small drawback being it's not in any way professional and possibly not the most hygienic...

Zoom Quizzes

Friends, family and relatives have all been separated by the pandemic. This brought people together online with the standout memory of last March being riddled with DIY quizzes made about their friends was great fun at the time but hindsight is telling us this may not of been that great. Getting drunk in your room on a call with your mates isn't half as good as going to the local on a Friday night for a real pub quiz.

SEE ALSO: The Top Ten Irish TikTokers To Follow In 2021

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