
The Hands-Free Selfie Is Taking Twitter By Storm – Here's How To Pull It Off

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll have seen the viral trend that's been clogging up Twitter.

The 'Hands-Free' selfie is not for anyone who is protective of their phone, as it involves users throwing their phone up in the air all for that perfect shot. The trend originally involved users giving themselves a high-five, but it's since escalated to more creative versions including dabbing and the phone simply hovering in the air.

Here's your step by step guide to nailing that perfect selfie – and becoming Twitter-famous to boot.

1. Line your floor with pillows

As much as the trend tells your Twitter followers, 'I don't care if I drop my expensive smartphone...', let's be real here. As the perfect shot requires multiple attempts it's safe to say that a protective barrier is the way the nab the selfie – while keeping your phone intact.

2. Prepare your pose in advance

No-one wants to see a mid-air high-five – we want the real deal. But don't panic while your phone lingers in the air – and don't throw your phone any more times than necessary. By perfecting your pose before you take the photo you'll have the super-cool clap perfected in no time.

3. Set a timer

By setting a timer for two seconds, you'll have time to throw your phone up at the perfect moment, and nail that dab. Set it for 10 if you need a few seconds to steel yourself up...

4. Practise, practise, practise

This is not a craze for the faint-hearted. It takes multiple attempts to nab the perfect picture, so don't be disheartened. The more you try, the better you'll get – so get practising.

And with that, watch the likes roll in – thank us later when you become a Twitter superstar.

Or at least get a few followers.

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