
How To Avoid Looking Sh*t In College

College is certainly a struggle and if you happen to be a student with the misfortune of having 9am lectures every day I feel for you. But college is your time to meet new people. It is time to meet that someone special or even just that someone you can get the occasional shift off. And, no matter how much you say you don't care how you look in college, you are lying to yourself, because you do. Even if you don't where a scrap of make-up, you can still look presentable and clean. Trust me, even the professors won't appreciate you wearing your pajamas to a lecture. When it comes down to it, college is a professional place of work, so you have to look in some way decent. You wore a uniform to school for 6 years or so, so keep up your presentable ways. Don't let yourself go too far in the wrong direction, you deserve better than that.

1) Be Clean

Being clean is quite clearly essential. Even if a deodorant shower is all you have time for, do it and cover yourself in perfume. Remember that person that smelt in school? Do you want to be the person that smells in college? No didn't think so.

2) Buy A Pair Of Good Skinny Jeans

Skinny jeans can go with virtually anything. A jumper, a t-shirt, a hoody, a kimono. The world is your oyster with these new pair of skinnys. Just avoid wearing crop tops with them. Nobody wants to see those abs in college.

3) If In Doubt Wear Black

If you are struggling to find something to wear, black will always look good. There is a reason why everyone wears black. It is because it is so God damn flattering, so if you ever can't decide go for the black.

4) Have Well Kept Nails

Now, I used to be the worst for this. I just did not care how my nails looked, but, it was reluctantly pointed out to me that this is not a good look. Now, I am clinically obsessed with gel extensions, but that is besides the point. Wear nail polish when you've the time. If not, make sure your nails are sparkling clean.

5) Brush Your Hair

The bed head look is a well know celebrity trend. But, sorry to tell you, it is not all what it seems. It essentially means that you spend an hour or so on a look that will eventually look like you made no effort whatsoever. If you can't be bothered for this just brush it. Avoid knots at all costs.

6) Good Eyebrows

"Don't let people with bad eyebrows tell you shit about life", granted it seems a bit extreme, but it is a fair point. Get those eyebrows in shape. Whether you pluck, thread or wax, tame those beasts. Think more Cara Delevingne and less Lily Savage.

7) Fake Tan

Okay, you will either love it or hate it, but everyone looks better with a bit of a glow. Hence, the reason Irish people just love sun holidays, besides the fact we never see it. Tan makes your legs look skinnier and you will have a lovely bronze esque about you. Just don't take it as far as Lindsay Lohan. If fake tan isn't your thing, get out that bronzer.

8) Clean Clothes

Instead of taking clothes out of the washing basket, wear clean clothes. Clean socks, clean t-shirts and, please God, clean underwear. You know when you've gone too far, so try not to cross that line.

 9) No Heels

We're all into personal style. Albeit, I don't have the most alternative taste, more mainstream where leopard print is always acceptable, but heels is never a good look in college. And, don't even start to talk to me about kitten heels. Kitten heels should be burnt to the stake.

10) Thinks Boots

Ankle boots, knee-high boots, any boots really. Even the UGG boots. Though, I feel a certain age should be agreed on where UGG's can't be worn anymore, because sometimes they can be so damn irresistible.

11) Pretend To Take Pride In Your Appearance

Even if you couldn't care less what you look like, and you don't have a fashionable bone in your body, when complimented about a piece of clothing you are wearing pretend it was all planned out. Sometimes a random piece of clothing you think is normal will be loved by others. Embrace it.

12) Mascara

If all else fails, and you literally have five minutes to run out the door or you will miss your bus, put on some mascara. It'll brighten up your eyes and face and you will look ten times more presentable. Go on, put some on.

13) Matching Socks

If your socks will be on show in any way make sure they match. If you are walking on the wild side of life get patterned socks, you know who you are.

14) Keep Tracksuits At A Bare Minimum

I do dream for the days where wearing an illuminous matching blue Juicy tracksuit was the norm, but they are long long gone. Try to either never wear tracksuits to college, or keep it the bare minimum.

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.