
How To Tell If You're Turning Into Your Mother

All these years you swore that you would never turn into your mother, no matter how much she insisted you would. Yet here you are about to read this article, with that nauseated feeling in your stomach because you know the truth lies below. Deny it all you like, but the reality is you're slowly but surely becoming a carbon copy of your mom. If you still aren't convinced, check out some of the indisputable points below...

1) You check your handbag at least twice before you leave the house.

Purse, phone, tissues... Keys! Where are my keys?! Ah, side pocket. Too clever for my own good. *chuckles*

2) You draw the blinds in the sitting room when it gets dark so no-one can look in.

You used to think it was cool that people walking past could see you chilling in front of the TV, but now the thought of anyone seeing you with your hair in a bun and odd pyjamas on horrifies you.

3) Vouchers are your favourite kind of Christmas present.

Because you're so picky that only you know what you could possibly want for Christmas and anyone else's attempts will always involve keeping the receipt.

4) You pack for every kind of weather, even if it's just an overnight trip.

What if it rains? What if there's a heatwave and you don't have suncream? What if we decide to go on a hike? So many possibilities, too small a suitcase.

5) You know the price comparison of a 2L milk in Tesco, Super Valu and Aldi.

And you feel like Sherlock Holmes if there's a two cent price difference from last week's shopping.

6) Leaving the house without a jacket is a sin.

You'll catch a cold out there and die. Don't say I didn't warn you.

7) Wearing your socks to bed is disgusting.

The thought of all that dirt that you've been walking around in getting under the sheets... Imagine all the dog hairs!

8) Your friends think of you as the Mother Hen of the group.

If they ever need advice, you're the first one they turn to.

9) You get your daily fix from nabbing a bargain in H&M.

€18.99 down to €7.99 - my day is made.

10) And you brag about this steal to all of your friends.

"You have NO idea what happened to me today guys..."

11) You always carry a mini medical kit with you wherever you go.

Paracetamol? Check. Plasters? Check. Emergency crutches? Check.

12) Making itineraries for going on a trip is normal to you.

How else would anyone get all their shit done?

13) You arrive for the bus/train a good half hour before it's due to leave.

You can never trust those timetables anymore; they always get it wrong. Like the weather forecast.

14) You refuse to pay for food in the cinema.

Have you seen how much a bag of Minstrels costs these days? No way, into Dealz beforehand and sneak them in in your handbag.

15) Spontaneity is just another word for reckless behaviour.

If it hasn't been thought through properly at least a week in advance, it's not happening.

16) You refuse to watch a programme unless it's been recorded on Sky.

What? Why can't I fastforward the ads? This hasn't been recorded? Nope, not watching it. I'll come back in an hour.

17) You're not ashamed to use 10c coupons from your Clubcard in Tesco.

Every little really does count, kids.

18) You put your name at the end of every text.

Just in case they lost all their contacts or they deleted my number by accident. It's a thoughtful thing to do.

19) You insist on feeding everyone that walks into your house.

You don't want them going home to their mothers saying they weren't fed.

20) And you don't take "No thanks" as an answer.

No-one's ever too full for tea and biscuits.

21) It kills you seeing good food go to waste.

Tut tut, you'll follow a crow for that yet.

22) Going for coffee is a hobby of yours.

Who needs socialising on nights out when you can just meet for a coffee in Marks?

23) You notice draughts in every building.

And you're not afraid to ask for a different table if it's too close to the door.

24) You find yourself saying, "Wait, let me put my glasses on".

Even if you don't wear glasses.

25) You insist your friends text you when they get home from a night out.

You need to know they got home safely before you can even think about trying to sleep.

26) You always wait for the green man before you cross the road.

Jaywalking should be illegal in every country if you ask me.

27) Cleaning the kitchen is an impulse reaction for you.

And it doesn't even have to be your own kitchen.

28) You somehow manage to fit everything bar the kitchen sink into your handbag.

And you're so good at it, people think of it as an art form. Good job, you.

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Olivia is a Journalism and New Media student at the University of Limerick. As well as writing for College Times, she is also a contributor with and After college Olivia hopes to write feature articles and/or opinion pieces for a New York magazine, from a penthouse suite in Manhattan, earning a six-figure annual salary. She's also known for being slightly over-ambitious.