
I'm Never Drinking Again! The Stages Of A Hangover During The First Week Of College

There are fewer things in this life worse than waking up after a heavy night on the drink, one of those things is waking up midweek after a massive night out having to face college lectures after a whole summer off... The sheer terror that hits you harder than a truck after the initial five seconds of blissful unawareness. Here’s a step by step of the thoughts you have after a hangover during the first of college...

Fuck I'm hungover. I'm never drinking again...

I'm going back to bed, fuck that lecture!

I can't feel my face!

I could use a serious sleep after that food...

Laptop, bed... See you all tomorrow!

Why are you all going out again? I'm in bed and I'm not leaving!

No, I'm definitely not going

Seriously, I've got loads of Netflix to catch up on.

I'm so sick I might die

Wait, who did you say is going out? Is that the hot one?

Guess I could come for a bit. But I have nothing to wear?

Ok, I found something... Damn I look good!

Can we split some vodka?

Fuck, am I actually doing this?

This drink is not going down too well, I might get sick!

Hold on, that wasn't so bad

Taxis are here, down the rest of the drink and lets go!

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