
Introvert or Extrovert... Or Neither... Or Both?

Turns out you're still human, so that's something. When you're reading an article about being an introvert or extrovert, do you feel like you agree with only half of what's being said? Do you feel both extroverted and introverted? We don't all fit neatly into one box or label. Extroverts are generally outgoing people, people who enjoy and get energy from being around other people. Introverts are generally shy and feel drained when in a large group of people. If you feel like you relate to both, it turns out there's a third category: ambiverts. These buddies bridge the gap between extroverts and introverts. They're a mix of both. Maybe there is a category for you after all...

You're Selectively Social

You don't always hide in your room, away from everybody, but you aren't always the one who's setting up the social gatherings and constantly having chats with everybody. You sometimes just don't want to hang out with people, sometimes you just need your alone time. You might not have gone out with the rest of your friends for a while because you simply weren't interested - not because you don't love your friends, you totally do, just because you didn't have the energy. However, whenever you do go out with them you light up the dance floor with your moves. You love going out with your friends, just not all the time.

You Balance Out Who You're With

If you're with someone who's extremely outgoing, you'll let them have the spotlight. If you're with someone who's very timid and quiet, you'll compensate for them by being more outspoken and jokey. You're the filling that holds the sandwich together, the binding sauce: the mayonnaise or the relish. All friend groups need one of you to keep the balance, without even realising it.

You Like To Be Alone, But Not All The Time

Spending too much time alone makes you restless. You feel like you're wasting your time and aren't being too productive. To be fair, you love spending time by yourself. You enjoy a good book, a great series binge on Netflix while in your pjs and not having to talk to anyone. You love hanging out by yourself and surfing the web, with your chat offline on Facebook. However, too much alone time and you feel like putting on your sweats and heading out for a jog. You need some human face-to-face interaction every now and then or you go insane.

You Love Attention, But Hate Being In The Spotlight

You like to be praised for a job well done and will be annoyed if your contribution isn't highlighted. You don't mind being the centre of attention for a while, but you do get uncomfortable with too many eyes on you. If you've done a good job you like to receive praise for it, but you don't seek it out and if you were put in the centre of attention for no good reason, you'd hate every minute of it.

You Love Meeting People, But Are Selective With Close Friends

To be honest, you like meeting people. You enjoy getting to know people, although you find making small talk a bit dull. If you're with a group of people you haven't met before and a subject that you're very competent in comes up, you'll speak your piece and happily let others have their say. You like voicing your opinions, but always let others have their say too. You wouldn't just start a conversation with a stranger, but if you were in a party situation you wouldn't be that uncomfortable. Unlike the introvert you wouldn't be hiding in the corner, waiting for it to end, and unlike the extrovert, you wouldn't be the life and soul of the party. But you'd be having a great time anyway.

So in many ways, this is the category for you. Neither too shy or too outgoing, up for staying in and down for heading out. But when it all comes down to it, you really don't need to worry about it, who cares what category you belong in?

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Orlaith is a Creative Writing graduate from NUI Galway. Hailing from the low lying fields of Athenry, or at least what’s left of the low lying fields. She enjoys the internet as a means of living vicariously through others from the safe confines of her own bed. She will initiate a dance off after at least two drinks on any given night out.