
The Irish Examiner's Front Cover Of Three Lads In Kerry Looks Like Niagra Falls

With Storm Ophelia having passed, we can begin to poke our heads out from our hastily constructed 'weather-bunkers' and assess the effect it has wrought on our island. Some people though, clearly had no time for hastily-constructing weather bunkers and proceeded to gallivant about yesterday, in the thick of the action, seeing what havok Ophelia was wreaking for their own eyes.

The front cover of the Irish Examiner today features a photo of three such pie-eyed mavericks. The three lads were standing on Glen Pier, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry surveying the waves rolling in as Storm Ophelia makes herself known.

The waves cascading over the harbour make it look like Kerry has only gone and sprung its own version of Niagra Falls. While this photo is clearly just one of many illustrating the ferocious power of the weather, when it really sets its mind to it, perhaps the real highlight of it is the absolute nonchalance of the three lads, reportedly fisherman, standing staring at the whole thing.

Between the three of them, I don't think I'm overstating things by saying that, you'd be pressed to see if there's a singly fuck being given about the fearsome spectacle they are witnessing. One has his hands loosely clasped behind his back, the other two have them resting in their pocket. They honestly may as well be lined up waiting at a bus-stop watching a pigeon peck at a discarded chicken goujon, waiting for the time to pass.

Also Read: Brace Yourselves, Another Storm Could Hit Ireland This Weekend

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