
The Tale Of This Irish Guy's Quest To Catch His Bus Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Oh Ireland. You never fail to throw up a heartwarming story of triumph over adversity, and kindly strangers helping their fallen comrades.

And today, on Reddit, we saw one of the best examples yet.

According to user Ditches101:

Running to the bus, it's 7.44am, bus leaves at 7.45, I can almost touch it... and he pulls off.

You've got to be sh@%ing me, arms waving, trying to shout over his engine. He has to have seen me surely.

So far, so shitty...

But then, things suddenly changed in a most unexpected way.

Enter my hero. Complete stranger, pulls up past me, beeps to me to jump in, follows the bus until the next stop and pulls in front of the bus – what a LEGEND of a guy.

Ive no idea who he is but I'll be telling his story for a long long time.

Amazing, wha?

If you know who the kindly stranger was, please drop us a line. The world needs to know!

You can read the full story here.

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