
Irish Nurse Features On The Cover Of Vogue This Month

The lockdown has given us many new heroes - namely the frontline medical workers who have worked so heroically over the past three months to keep us all safe.

Vogue magazine in the UK is showing its gratitude to the heroes of the lockdown this month, and in doing so, decided to put Irish midwife Rachel Millar on the cover of its July issue. Rachel is 24 and from Co Tyrone. She's a midwife at Homerton Hospital in London, and amazingly now joins the likes of Rihanna and Judi Dench as people who've featured on the cover of Vogue.

Rachel told the BBC how it happened:

"I was looking after a labouring woman. I came out of the room to get an epidural top up and there was a photographer there from Vogue," she said.

"Everyone on shift that day was put on camera and a few photos taken. All we knew was that it was going to be something about key workers during the pandemic."

Fair play to Rachel. Keep an eye out for her on newsstands soon.

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