
The 7 Most Irritating People on Public Transport

If you are not fortunate enough to have your own set of wheels you obviously are very well acquainted with the useful but sometimes infuriating service that is Irish public transport.

The main con is that you are exposed to all sorts of crazy. Don’t get me wrong public transport has its uses, take it from someone that comes from a place that is surrounded by fields and that barely has a Bus Eireann bus stop never mind having six different bus routes, a train service and a Luas line on her doorstep.

Whether its Dublin bus, Bus Eireann,  Irish rail, the Dart or the Luas you can guarantee that sometimes your journey to work or college can sometimes be ruined by certain types of people. These people make you wish you stayed at home and studied for that drivers theory test. They leave you irritated and pondering getting off two stops before your original stop because you do not think you can deal with them and their array of sh*t any longer. So here they are. The  most annoying individuals that you are forced to deal with on public transport.

7) The Music Blarer 

So there you are, happily settled in your seat. Gazing out of the window and despite the fact that it is very early in the morning, you’re pretty content. This is until some chick in a bowler hat sits across from you on the bus and now you’re peaceful morning commute has Metallica as a soundtrack. The constant high pitched buzz is now your travel companion in rush hour traffic. Lovely...

6) The Over Sharer

This is one of them people that have incredibly loud conversations on their phones or to their friends about incredibly personal matters. The bus is silent. She is the only one talking but yet it is at that moment that she decides to talk to her friend about the details of last nights drunken escapade. Now you and the entire bus know that she cheated on her boyfriend. No cares about your infidelity or that he was a good kisser. Shut up. I’m trying to read my free metro.

5) The Space Invader

 There are plenty of seats around you. This was the only morning you did not put your bag on the seat next to you in an anti-social fashion and what happens? The space invader seizes this moment to sit beside you even though there are many other free sits dotted around the bus. This is beyond irritating. You now have someone breathing on top of you and impeding on your alone time. The space invader has no concept of personal space. Yes that it is my arm. Please do not touch it again….

4) The Screamer

Your iPod is on full blast to try to drown out this person. The screamer does not understand what an indoor voice is and the loud hyena like laughter is actually cutting through you. Silence is severely underrated. Somebody pass the Panadol you can feel a serious headache coming on.

3) The Snacker

Eating on public transport is sometimes necessary. Early morning/evening commutes may require some sustenance  and I’m cool with that. However it is not okay for you to be forced to sit beside someone for forty minutes eating a wrap that definitely has tuna in it with cheese and onion crisps. This will have you regretting that you picked the window seat. You are now trapped with the snacker and are forced to embrace their food choices. Oh the smells…

2) The Chatty Cathy..

It is pretty dam early. You’re still unsure whether getting out of bed was the best decision and then you are met with that person that believes sitting beside someone requires small talk. The weather, the traffic and where you bought your shoes are topics all up for grabs. Smiling through gritted teeth and responding with generic answers you inwardly wonder why life must test you in this manner and briefly consider crawling under the seats to escape the mind numbing conversation.

1) The Smelly Person

Don't think your silent farts are being unnoticed.. I can smell them. Or that you haven't had a shower… It's extremely obvious…

This is the worst offender on all public transport..

The bus may be cheaper than a car but there's a massive price to pay..

God Speed..

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Article written by
Steph, 20, student teacher, cocktail enthusiast and caffeine addict.