
You Know You’re Not Ready To Leave College When…

The prospect of getting out into the real world, making money and having a grown up life was once very appealing... But as you near the end of your College journey, you realise it might be too soon. You might want to consider another year if...
You can’t cope with the thoughts of a 9am start
You've forgotten how to groom yourself …. Casual business attire whaaaat?
When someone asks you what you’re going to do after graduation you’re all like...
You’re worried your post-college social life

College parties

Non-college parties

 You don't know how to make friends  from the outside world
Day drinking is an important part of your routine
You think you'll miss the all-nighters
and the college diet…
The thoughts of having an office job make you furious
You've applied to postgrads to postpone leaving 

You can't cope without seeing your best friends every day
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