
What It's Like Having A Long Distance BFF

A lot of your friends in college will be starting to move abroad, or have to go abroad for their college course. It'll feel pretty weird at first, but you'll soon get used to it. Here are some things you will definitely experience if you have a long distance BFF;

1) Skype is your life-saver.

Thank you, Mr Skype Man for inventing such a wonderful device. If you could make it a bit easier not having to shout down the phone too, that would be great, thanks.

2) You count down the days until you see them next.

It's nearly October, right? No, it's actually March.

3) You get serious FOMO when you see them having fun without you.

Why can't I be in New York meeting super sexy men and running riot around the city with you? Why is my life so inexplicably shit? WHY?

4) You wish some people around you would move away instead.

I have no time for anyone who isn't you and who is female. If you could do a swap with them, I'd really like that.

5) Their caller ID is a hilarious picture of you two.

Hahahahahahaha, well at least we get it. Inside banter.

6) TBT always involves a picture and a tag of you both.

Look at us falling out of the club. Those were the good old days. I just want everyone to know how much fun we have when we're together #tbt.

7) You're a time difference wizard.

It's been three weeks, but I know she's in college until 6 which is midnight my time and then she's off to meet some people for drinks. If I get up at 8am I should reach her on Skype before she goes to sleep. Easy.

8) Sometimes talking all the time makes you miss them too much.

I can go weeks without talking you, but I know exactly what you're up to and whenever we do talk, it's like nothing has changed.

9) You go old school and send each other mail.

Who doesn't love receiving a letter in the post? Especially if I managed to locate the glitter glue and stickers to deface the envelope and letter inside. Best. present. ever.

10) You send each other snaps of your inside jokes.

As long as we find it funny, I see no problem in this plan.

11) Outfit approval is now achievable via Snapchat.

Red or black dress? Now I can get global style advice for my night out on the tiles. BFF's are made for honesty, after all.

12) People think you're texting your boyfriend, but it's actually just your BFF.

Always and forever. She'll be there for you, as the song goes and all that.

13) When you see each other again it's like they never left.

After the initial squeals and hugs of joy, you're just right back to your old selves. Starbucks anyone?

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.