
We Can't Handle The Unpredictable Irish Weather

It’s happened to everyone, you’re walking along on a beautiful winter's day and out of nowhere the skies open up, buckets of rain fall, the floor begins to shake and you can see a tornado off in the distance. Okay so maybe it’s not that dramatic, but we’ve all got caught in those random showers. The Irish weather is so unpredictable, but are we prepared? The simple answer is no, no we most certainly are not.

The amount of times I have seen people around college using books as umbrellas is crazy. Why do we insist on wearing jumpers with no hoods? Even myself, I have a pair of suede boots. Why on earth did I buy them because I can never actually wear them! Every other country seems to be way more prepared. When I was in Boston over the summer the Americans were super prepared for the weather, some would say a little too prepared. As soon as a drop of rain fell, everyone had their umbrellas open and I kid you not, some even put wellingtons on.

So here are 7 truths about Irish people when it comes to the weather:

1.It is always raining yet we don’t own any rain gear

2.We always wear completely inappropriate footwear.

Just take a pair of uggs for example, it rains and your feet will be wet the entire day, or if the footpaths are icy you may as well take up ice skating because you’ll have plenty of practice.

3.Fashion over practicality wins every time ….especially for girls

4.We have a terrible sense of judgment

5.We are too lazy to carry around umbrellas with us

I mean where are we meant to put a massive wet umbrella in a lecture? We need a butler..

6.Sometimes brushing your hair just seems like a complete waste of time, one step outside and it looks like a chickens arse. Just cover it with a scarf like Miley..

7. A cup of tea will fix everything, even hypothermia.

We’re always complaining about the weather and we know that we don’t have the greatest climate, so why are we in denial about it? Come on lads, let’s all get our shit together. I am not saying that we should all go out and buy ourselves some ponchos but maybe a small umbrella from Penney’s? It won’t break the bank and you’ll be dam glad of it next time you get caught in a shower.

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Final year student in Ucc doing a BA in English and History. Main Interests and Hobbies include taking naps,watching Jeremy Kyle, eating Chinese and getting shitfaced on cheap wine.