
Making Sure She Doesn't Take Forever When Getting Ready To Go Out

Don't get me wrong, many of us men take a good while to get ready for a night out so not all of us can judge, especially in this era of exaggerated manscaping. This is also by no means inclusive of all women, but in the grand scheme of things most people will be aware of the subject matter and the ritual it involves in getting ready for a night out....and who those responsible are.....but relax guys, don't fret, there are ways to deal with it :)

Plan ahead

First a taxi for a certain time..if she doesn't have a deadline then there will be dilly dallying all night..


Encourage her to pick out her outfit in advance..offer subtle hints such as, "yeah you looked outrageous in that red dress that one time"...In fairness, you do love that red dress.

No jokes...serious face!

There is no room for condescending remarks or sarcasm during the getting dressed ritual, it is likely to cause at the very least tension and at the worst a night delaying argument...

More encouragement...there's never enough encouragement

Constant encouragement of how good she is looking... with positive reinforcement of every aspect of her transformation into a beautiful swan....obviously don't use the swan story unless you want a slap.... because of the connotations arising from its links to its past aliases ...the artist formerly know as the ugly duckling.

Roxanne...put on that red light dress...Roxanne

That dress, that red dress that I said looked good on you the last time looks even better on you now hun, there is definitely no need to try on the 76 other dresses in your wardrobe, "God, you look so radiant"!

Subtle suggestions..

Make suggestions...not ones that will directly affect what she's wearing but ones that will keep her focused"do you think I should wear this tie?..It will work well with that Red dress you have on!", constantly mentioning the red dress will reinforce that one item of clothing in her mind, saving your collective blushes from being late as a result of any last minute wardrobe change.... along with a gentle reminder that the taxi will be arriving soon of course.

Maintain Interest...

Keep the questions coming...seem interested, "Is that a new style of eye shadow?"... "Are you wearing less make up than last time?" It really suits you"

Initiate 'project wing-couple'

If possible try and organise that you meet another couple, possibly friends for pre drinks so she feels like she doesn't want to let them down...because honestly..she doesn't care about being late for yeah, give John and Siobhan a call. John will thank you for it...too. High five!

Congratulate in a non condescending tone

Use positive reinforcement when you do (shockingly) get out the door on time...because it will make next time a breeze too....YAY

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.