
What Is Being 'Manly' Today?

To all the men out there that don't feel like they fit in with all the aspects of being a manly man,

First off, that is absolutely fine. In this day and age people don't really expect you to stick to the 1950's idea of what a man is. I like to think we've come a long way since then and manliness isn't as simple as 'goes to work, drinks scotch, gets a wife and has a bunch of kids he's emotionally distant from.' Here are two of the most prominent "manly" traits that that are total bullshit...

1. We want sex but also repress it.

There's nothing wrong with thinking that sex as a one night stand isn't as great as it's supposed to be. For a lot of people sex is way more enjoyable when you wait for someone that actually makes you feel good instead of just hopping on the first opportunity you can. To be perfectly honest, sex when you aren't that into the person is pretty shit. It's sex so it's still pretty good but it just doesn't match up to when you meet someone you really like.

Look at any historical figure and I can guarantee you they liked some pretty niche stuff and weren't too bothered about it getting out (look up 'Joyce's letters to Nora' or Mozart's 'Leck mich im Arsch' and you'll see what I mean.). It's understandable if you don't wanna go shouting it around but if pegging is your thing then enjoy it because the days of stigma over fetishes are essentially over.

2. Men Are Good With Their Hands.

I have literally no idea about cars. I know how to drive one and that's pretty much where it ends so whenever someone says the got a new car and it has such and such engine or they were fixing their car and had to remove the flux capacitor I just stare at them and nod, maybe give 'em a lil "ah that's no good." and a head shake. Seems to be workin' for me so far...

Back in the olden days if you wanted a chair you'd probably have to make it yourself. I took construction and metalwork in school but I was never any good at it, so much so that my teacher did my junior project for me (it got a C+). I worked as a stonemason every so often when the guy needed an extra set of hands. That pretty much consisted of me poorly mixing cement but a building would collapse pretty much straightaway if I was responsible for building it myself.

The chances of this ever happening are probably very slim but let's say you are stranded in the wilderness, do you think you could survive? I've watched countless episodes of Bear Grylls excursions into the wild and I have the basic idea but if it ever were to happen I'd probably freeze my ass off on the first night after hours of trying to figure out how the fuck you build a fire. I know what snare traps look like but I have no idea how to make one. Get the picture here that I'm completely clueless yeah?

But I don't need to know any of this because there's no real need to anymore. There are easier ways to do these things that don't directly involve you in the process. Sure some of these things are fun to learn and probably would be useful skills to have but why do that when I can just go to a mechanic, buy a damn chair and just avoid the outside world entirely?

Video: Signs You're Not Exactly A Man's Man

Credit: BuzzFeedVideo

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