
Men's Fashion: 13 Things That Will Never Go Out Of Style

The nature of fashion is that it is always changing, and it's usually pretty easy to pick out something that's fashionable at the moment that will be gone in six months. In general, the simpler the design of a piece of clothing, the less likely it is to go out of style, just like all of the items on this list.

The Plain Crew Neck T-Shirt

The very definition of simple but classic, v necks and different designs and patterns will go in and out of fashion, but crew neck t-shirts will always look good.

Polo Shirt

Just as long as it's not a golf polo shirt with some stupid golf course logo on it.

Brown Brogues

Can be worn with a suit or jeans. And don't worry, I didn't know what they were for ages either.

Black Leather Shoes

Timelessly stylish. Go for patent leather shoes if you're wearing a dress suit (tuxedo) if you really want to look like a slick b*stard.

White Dress Shirt

The equivalent of black leather shoes for your torso.

Plain Casual Shirt

Because it is actually possible to over-dress for certain events, so this is an alternative to the dress shirt. And just like with the polo shirts, please don't go for anything with weird designs or logos.


You can never ever go wrong with a pair of Aviators or Ray-Bans. Ever.


Same goes for Converse.

Dark, Straight-Cut Jeans

Fashion designer Tom Ford once listed 15 things that every man should have, and dark jeans are one of these things, so you should probably listen to him.

And for the record, here is the full list:

1. 'A sense of humour.'

2. 'A daily read of the newspaper.'

3. 'A sport that you love and are good at.'

4. 'Tweezers.'

5. 'A good cologne that becomes a signature.'

6. 'A well cut dark suit.'

7. 'A pair of classic black lace-up shoes.'

8. 'A smart blazer.'

9. 'The perfect pair of dark denim jeans.'

10. 'Lots of crisp white cotton shirts.'

11. 'Always new socks and underwear (throw away the old ones every six months).'

12. 'A classic tuxedo.'

13. 'A beautiful day watch with a metal band.'

14. 'The perfect sunglasses.'

15. 'Perfect teeth - if you don't have them, save up and have them fixed.'

Leather Belt

Go for brown or black depending on what colour your shoes are. Probably best to have one of each colour.

The Classic Tie

NOT SKINNY. And learn how to tie a proper knot while you're at it. Windsor and Pratt knots are both very manly.



The Classic Tuxedo

If you saw any of the tuxedos at the Oscars this year, you would've seen red jackets, navy jackets and white jackets. Pharrell even wore tuxedo shorts. Ignore all of this, and just go for the classic black look. And a real bow-tie, not one of those fake elastic ones.

The Navy Suit

Go for brown shoes and a brown belt as well.

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David has the most relevant qualifications of all of the writers at CollegeTimes, having just completed 3 years of an Electrical Engineering degree in UCD.