
The Middle Finger Emoji Is Here: The Best Of The IOS 9 Update

Finally an update to celebrate! Apple fans will be going crazy for the new iOS 9 update which is available to download from tomorrow. There are some really cool changes that are happening so here's what you can expect.

1) Low Power Mode

Thank you, God above us! No more having to charge our phones every single chance that we get. This was a major issue with iPhones and Apple have decided it was time to fix it. I'm sick of having to constantly charge my phone. Forgetting my charger in the mornings before I went to college or work was basically a death sentence. The 'Low Power' mode will shut down the non-essential processes so your phone will last about an hour longer (it's better than nothing people!)

2) The Middle Finger Emoji

An emoji update! This is what I'm most excited about as an emoji lover; we can now, without using words, tell our friends to fuck off by sending a single emoji. I can see this one being used in every message people send for a while. There's also a burrito being included in the update (long awaited for some people).

3) Security Is Stronger

You can make your passcodes longer, making it harder for people to get into your phone. So instead of it probably being four 0's it can now be 6. Fab!

4) You Can Set GIFs As Your Wallpaper

You can put your favourite GIF as your wallpaper (so many to choose from!) No seriously, I don't know which gif of Kim K crying to use.

5) Wi-Fi Problems Fixed

When your Wi-Fi connection decides to be a huge pain in the ass, it will now automatically drop the connection and start using your mobile network when it's acting up.

6) Better News And Maps Apps

Google Maps now has public transport routes added to maps so you can check when the next bus is. Hallelujah! 'Newsstand' (the thing that nobody ever used) has been revamped so now you can choose all of the stories that you want to read and list them in an RSS format. Still thinking about the middle finger emoji? Me too.

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Clara is a self confessed lipstick addict that loves blogging about beauty and fashion on her blog Chatterbox Clara. She loves 80's music and films and is also obsessed with romantic, classic black and white films and Disney films too! She is a major animal lover and aspires to be a broadcast journalist.