
"Join ALL The Societies!" Mistakes All Freshers Make

It's okay guys, everyone's a fresher at some stage. You can't just know this shit before going in, you need to experience it for yourself. Take the good with the bad.

Thinking you'll be in love with your course

For some people this may be the case, and if it is for you then I envy you, however the harsh reality for a lot of us is starting college and realising you actually have no interest in your course or it isn’t all its cracked up to be is reality… Sure it's only the next four years of your life.

Thinking we’ll pass the year by doing zero work

'It’s our first year and first semester there can’t be that much work to do, sure everyone passes anyway…. '

'Sure they’re only recommended readings we don’t have to do them...'

Those excuses sound familiar? We all know it’s not true and if you don’t do the work you sadly do not pass...

Last minute cramming

Shifting someone in your class

You spotted him in the first week of lectures fell madly in love, shifted him on the class night out and haven’t been able to face him since. Worse still everyone in your class will never let you forget it and make sure to bring it up as often as they can...oh the shame!

Joining 50 clubs and societies and attending none of them

Everything seemed so good so interesting. And the classic ‘it’s the best way to make friends’ was being thrown around like it was going out of fashion. So you joined everything from the tennis team to the tea society and haven’t attended one event...

Becoming a fulltime party animal/alcoholic

So you’re finally free and your weekly social life is a lot more exciting than your weekend one. Constantly receiving invites to events on Facebook it can be hard to decide which one to go to, so your solution? GO TO THEM ALL.

Thinking your life will revolve around Starbucks

Such a cliche white girl expectation that a lot of us are guilty of. Think you'll constantly have a caramel cream frappuccino during your lectures? Think again that shit is expensive...

 And there you have it… We've all been there.. but just try to learn from my mistakes..

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