
Love, Money & Pizza: Total Myths About Your 20's You Need To Stop Believing

So you turn 20 and think that in part some of your life is actually over. For a start the whole fake ID part of things is just gonzo. You glide in anywhere you want. In fact when you're in Tesco buying a litre of Vodka for a standard Tuesday night out you are almost willing the cashier to ask you to show some ID.

When they do you inwardly smile. I might be old, but I don't look it.
The fact is there are a lot of myths about turning 20 and where this decade will take you.
The following are some of the biggest untruths;

*You'll know by now what you want to do

If you don't particularly like whatever random course you are studying and it doesn't have a direct lead on, ie accountancy, then know that the confusion will probably stretch well into your 20's. So stop stressing about trying to get it sorted because it's gonna take time and enjoy now. Chances are you'll change your mind a few more dozen times before you get it right anyway.

*You will age overnight and look like a dried up raisin by 26

 This just doesn't happen. That said, smoking will not be your friend in your late 20's.

*You'll suddenly forget all about shit food and only want to eat healthy, like a grown up

Nope. Nope nope nope nope. You'll still want that pizza except now it's way harder to work it off.

*You will buy a house and have so much responsibility

In school there are always some people who are the go-getters. This doesn't change and that's just how they live. True, some of your friends will buy houses, and do seemingly hugely mature things as soon as they can, but many, many people stay living at home sponging off their parents long after they're welcome so don't be putting too much pressure on yourself. If you have a job, you're doing very well.

*You'll suddenly have 'proper' dates

This is another grave myth. Some guys will mature and become fabulously sophisticated and wine and dine you in the fanciest of restaurants but not all. There will still be many who think you coming over to his and sharing a 6 pack constitutes a romantic night so don't expect Richard Gere to take you to an Opera on a private jet, pizza and beer is still an acceptable date in your 20's.

*People will respect you and treat you like an adult

Another vastly untrue assumption. People only treat you like an adult if you act like one which is not likely for a large portion of your 20's.

*You will find true love

This might happen. It might not though. Or else it might happen and then it all goes to shit. The thing to always remember is, that you're young and you're still developing emotionally, you're not going to meet someone when you're still all over the place. So be patient and get yourself sorted first. Everything else will fall into place.

*You will have loads of money

If you have a good job, you might earn some decent wedge and have some disposable income for the first time but having loads of money in your 20's is only for people like Mark Zuckerberg and Miley Cyrus. As long as you have enough to feed yourself with a few drinks at the end of the week - you my friend, are doing better than most.

*You will look sharp because of all your money

Your 20's are for going out, meeting people and having fun. Most of your cash will be spent on socialising so don't worry too much about an expensive suit. That will come later.

*The silly mistakes you made in you adolescence, people will forget

Hate to break it to you but reputations are reputations for a reason. People don't forget. Just hold your head high and remember that people do have the ability to change, you included. This goes for judging others, give everyone the chance to reinvent themselves, bar no one.

*You'll have loads of friends

Correction, you will know loads of people. You'll be able to count your real friends on one hand.

*You'll know your boundaries

Nope. Unfortunately you'll still be kicked out of a nightclub at 5am only this time it will be because of jager bombs not smirnoff ices.
The main thing is that things will never really be sorted and as soon as you sort one thing out, more stuff happens and you feel like you're back at square one, so stretch back and relax... There's no rush at all at all.
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Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.