
New App Lets You Hack Your Partners Phone...

What if you, or your partner was so untrustworthy and so down right cray cray that they wanted to constantly know where you were, or say for instance wanted to read your texts or Facebook mails, or access your phonebook? Sounds a bit weird, creepy and wayyy over the top right?

Well app-arently there is a new app out that lets you do all that... It's basically a stalking app, if I'm not mistaken.

For jealous partners it could be the ultimate app -allowing you to see everything your partner does on their phone. The mCouple app shows text messages, contacts, call history, and Facebook messages in real time. It can even show you the GPS co-ordinates of the phone, allowing you to see exactly where your partner is at all times.

One users claims the app worked on his girlfriend's phone.

'It really works. Thanks to this app, I am single right now because I caught my ex girlfriend cheating, ' he wrote on the Apps Google Play page.

Users can then track this information from anywhere by signing into an online account and viewing it all on a dashboard.

The dashboard produces charts that show which apps have been used and how often, while the person’s location is plotted on to a map.

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