
New Tattoo Ink That Lasts 1-2 Years Developed...

Thinking of getting a tattoo? Considering maybe, your other half's name... a tribal tramp stamp...or how about a ring of dolphins going aroung your belly button? Yes, most of us have yearned for some truly atrocious tattoo's in our lives. Some folk have been happily inked and love their markings, while others have taken the plunge and cringe every time they see their moment of madness exposed.

The only options for unwanted tattoos until now have been to cover it over with more ink, or get it lasered off. Laser removal is very painful, and inking over can end up covering more skin that you would like and compromising the design of your new tat.

Graduates from New York University look set to to alter the whole tattoo concept with their company 'Ephemeral'. They've managed to develop a removable ink that will gradually fade from your skin in as little as one or two years. So your tattoo can potentially fade away along with your initial love of it! AND- if that's not quick enough for you they have also created a removal solution that will make your tattoo magically disappear.

 Video: Worlds Worst Tattoos! #17

Credit: FLuffeeTalks

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