
New Year, Old Resolutions.

So 2014 has finally arrived and of course that means; new year, "new years resolutions"! Twitter and Facebook are plastered in "New year, new me!" posts, but does this actually happen? Can you say you have always stuck to your resolutions? I know myself I can't!

Here are some of the most common resolutions we say we will stick to, but we NEVER do:

(1) Getting Fit:

Lets face it we all pay that gym membership on the 1st of January, or decide we will go for a jog every morning, do it for a few weeks and then become lazy couch potatoes. Its a peak season for fitness motivation pages on Twitter and Instagram, every supermarket starts stocking gym attire and tracksuit sales go through the roof. As this dies down so does the motivation which ultimately leaves us unfit for another year.

(2) Drinking Less:

We have all had our messy nights which have lead to the famous "I'm never drinking again!" Every new year we think we can just automatically become better people, who are more civilised when it comes to the drink. It's almost impossible to do so when you have all those bottles family friends put under the tree on their annual christmas visit. You know your parents don't want it. Drink for the next coming weeks, sorted. Hard to resist, aye?

(3) Being a Better Student:

By the end of semester one its likely that you got too lazy to even go to college anymore and dossed your life away "doing assignment work". We say will start studying and have assignments ready before the due date, but that never really happens, does it? Even if you try to go to the library to study, you end up procrastinating. You say you will go to that 9am lecture on a Thursday, but lets face it, Wednesday's are the best nights out!

(4) Eating Healthier:

After those tins of roses and boxes of biscuits, we all feel a bit sluggish at the end of the year. Eating healthier always seems like the best way to start the new year off, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so if your ringing in the new year in front of a full table of party food; free drink and desserts. Don't lie to yourself, all that fruit that you bought on the first week of January and planned to eat has now slowly turned to mould in your fruit bowl.

(5) Saving Money:

As easy as you think it might be, it takes one impulsive decision to end up broke again. Saving money is never easy when you're in college. It's so easy to dip into the savings on a bad day just to get larger size pizza, to make yourself feel better. Unfortunately, these silly excuses to dip our hands into our account all add up. It leaves us scraping two or three euro by the end of the week, but hey, it was worth it.......right?

To sum it up, we may be completely unrealistic, but at least we feel better about ourselves for a day or two, before we decide to leave that resolution for another year.

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