
One Night Stand Survival Handbag For Girls

One-night-stands are supposed to be spontaneous, but let’s face it, us women feel better with a plan in place. With that in mind, we are here to take you from walk of shame, to the one-night-stand wall of fame. The following are the 9 crucial components of any girls post party hook up handbag.

1) Sunglasses

They are a staple in the morning after hangover blur that follows any night of successful frisking. Weather you’re rocking a pair of dark glass Tom Ford’s or a knock off set of Ray Bams, the tinted lenses masking only one eyelash and smudged eyeliner are a must!

2) Emergency Concealer and Brightener

The morning after the night before holds the perk that some of your cake face make up from the previous evening may still be intact. That means that a handy illuminator concealer duo should be all you need for damage control. Try Maybelline New York Dream Lumi Concealer at €5 as a budget solution! Put a little under your eyes to brighten up and a couple dabs on any problem areas.

3) Mini Deodorant

Hopefully, your night of romping made you sweat just a little. Mini deodorants are a quick and easy solution for an impromptu whore bath. MBeze Natural Deodorettes are thumb sized and fit into any bag! €8 will have you smelling like vanilla and coconut instead of semen and loss of dignity in no time!

4) Travel Sized Perfume

If the deodorant doesn’t save you, try a portable perfume flask filled with your own favourite scents or the Juicy Couture Solid Perfume ring for €46 as a stylish solution to stink. This scented balm can be dabbed on your neck and wrists to give your lover a glorious wiff of sandalwood, mandarin and honeysuckle. Yeah, honeysuckle, cause you’re a classy broad.

5) Powdered Shampoo

What seems to suffer more than anything else after a night between the sheets, is your hair. Since an aerosol can of dry shampoo is a little impractical, try Cake Sugar Satin Hair and Body Refreshing Powder available at Sephora for 5 quid. Just sprinkle this amazing product in your hair and watch the grease soak up. Grab a hair tie and throw your hair up in a sexy blowjob bun!

6) Spare Knickers

Chances are your knickers are lost somewhere in the great beyond. Save yourself the humiliation of running around the room covering your lady bits with a pillow and bring a spare set! Keep it sexy but comfortable; your vagina deserves a lacy congratulations for a night well done! Try A pair of Victoria’s Secret Lace Cheekies for 6 quid a pop to make your va jay jay really feel like a star.

7) Mobile Charger

Your phone no doubt died about the time you were leaving Krystal last night. No one knows where you are. You’re parents are already slapping your face on milk cartons across the country. Find a plug, charge your mobile and call a taxi!

8) Lip Gloss

Lip Gloss is a life saver when you’re not travelling with your entire 3 kg make up bag. If you find a nice neutral rosy pink shade, it can double as a blush, giving you the post orgasm glow regardless of what you were working with last night! If your hair is unruly it can also work as gel and a tiny dab on your eyelids make them look bright and fresh!

9) Foldable Flats

Perhaps the greatest invention since sliced bread, foldable flats take up less room than a pack of cigs and offer a comfortable way to travel home. Spare Soles offers a range of flats in a variety of colors to make sure you can transform any outfit from sexy to practical!

To quote Pampers ‘Good nights mean good mornings!’

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