
People The Irish Love To Hate

Just when you think Americans can't get any more patronizing towards Ireland, Irish TMZ guy lands us all in it. Was it that we wouldn't know who Beyoncé and Jay Z are? Was it that Jay Z put Dublin on the map? So many insults and so little time to take them all in. This got me thinking who else do us Irish hate. After long thoughts and many eliminations I have conjured a list of 7 well known people that we love to hate. Feel free to comment and add any names to the list that we may have missed. Here are People The Irish Love To Hate.

1) Irish TMZ Guy

We usually stick by each other. Irish people have pride in their country and would never leave a man down, but, not this guy. Clearly warped by his new American status at TMZ, he has decided to bash the Irish and make us look even more stupid than before. Incase you missed it here is that TMZ video and the Cormac Moore from The Potato's  hilarious response.

 2) Thierry Henry

Another person to bash the Irish was the football sensation himself. His handball kept Ireland from our World Cup dream. No Irish man or women will ever forgive him for what he did. SHAME! SHAMMMEEEEE!

3) Jedward

Even if you like Jedward, no one will ever admit it. It is a general consensus in Ireland that we all hate them. We were mortified when they represented us at the Eurovision but when they finished in 8th place the Irish beamed with pride. But were not going to tell anyone that are we? We just cannot stand them.

4) Tallafornia Cast

We can mock them all we want but there weren't many moments on Irish TV that beat Natalee calling Philly a "Big Fat Fucking Turkey" or when Nikita gave Philly a lapdance. We slag it off, make fun of the cast but we probably have all seen every episode.

5) Americans

I am not saying Americans in general, that would be rude. But, you know when you bump into an American, wherever you may be, who genuinely thinks we live in caves and eat potatoes all day. These are the people I am referring to. In Huntington Beach last summer I was asked whether we had money in Ireland, if we had ever heard of the internet and if it was a legitimate country. I have never been so insulted in all my life. The fact some think they are Irish, because their cousin twice removed's best friends dog is Irish, is just ridiculous. And, it is not pronounced "Aierland" its "ARland".

6) Bertie Ahern

It is just something that most of the population get. He left the government just in time and saved his skin. The phrase "When Bertie leaves the party you know it's time to leave the party" will be repeated for the next hundred years.

7) Calum Best

There is something about the fact that he is famous because his father was a famous footballer that we don't like. Us Irish hate nepotism and don't like people who make it in the big bad world from being related to someone. In fairness, were not too bothered about him but he should make the list really. And, we may slightly resent his good looks and the fact he gets free stuff.

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.