
15 Perfectly Valid Times To Hate People In Public

People are annoying. Everyone, at certain points in their life, just get annoyed at the general public. It might be a certain thing that happens over and over again, or just a number of really stupid people come into your life in a relatively short space of time. But it’s okay, you’re not an asshole, everyone feels this way now and again. Although granted, some more often than others. Here is a list of the times when it is perfectly reasonable to hate anyone in public.

Slow Walkers

The worst of the worst. They don't seem to have a care in the world, while I'm rushing to catch a train or a bus or whatever I use to take me home from work or college.

Inconsiderate Smokers

Blowing smoke directly into my face. Unless the person is a complete dickhead, they probably aren't doing it intentionally, but not having the consideration to check that they aren't blowing it into someone's face is nearly as bad.

Smelly People

Whether it be B.O. or just a fart, my nostrils shouldn't have to deal with either. Please either take a shower or just wait until you're in an open space. If I can hold mine in then so can you.

Large Groups Of Young People

I realise how much of an old man I sound when I say this, but there's no way the rest of you aren't annoyed if a big group is stopped in the middle of the street, seemingly unaware of the busy people trying to get by them.

Loud Phone Conversations

If I wanted to eavesdrop on your conversation I'd be standing much closer to you. I shouldn't be able to hear you from across the road. Lower your voice.

Bad Parking

I don't care how few cars were in the car park when you pulled in, it was probably early in the morning, and unless you're an idiot you know how busy it's going to get throughout the day. Everyone hates the person who takes up two spots, and you probably increase the chance of damage being done to it by some particularly frustrated individual.

Not Washing Their Hands After Using The Toilet


Rude People

You think I held that door open or let you past me for my own sake? A little "thank you" goes a long way.


What happens in the gif below should happen to any couple who ever goes over the top in any show of affection. There should be PDA Wardens patrolling the street with 7 or 8 rolls of sellotape on their belt.


I'm really not that good looking. And even if I was, you're just being creepy, so stop it.

Blatantly Littering

The bin is 15 feet away, are you really in that much of a rush? And nearly as bad are the people who try to put something in the bin, miss, and then don't stop and go back to actually put it in.

(By the way I apologise for the gif I've used, but it was too disgusting not to include.)

Loud Music

Especially on a Monday, early in the morning, on a bus, when I'm nursing a two-day hangover. There is no need for you to be listening to Avicii at that hour, so why do it?

Cyclists Who Don't Know How/Where To Cycle

The roads are for cycling, and the paths are for walking. And when it's a red light for the cars, it's a red light for the bicycles as well. It's not that hard.

Queue Skipping

You obviously just didn't see me or the five other people standing in a line leading up to the till then no?

People Who Can't Control Their Dogs/Children

I like dogs. And children. Just not when they're out of control. When they are, they both might as well be the same thing. Put a lead on both if you have to. It sounds harsh but even thinking about all of this stuff is making me annoyed.

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David has the most relevant qualifications of all of the writers at CollegeTimes, having just completed 3 years of an Electrical Engineering degree in UCD.