
Please Stop Falling For The "Superfood Scam"

From "5 Foods That Will Make You Irresistable To Your Ex" to things like "Eat This to Lift ALL The Weight" these are headlines which should really be taken with a pinch of salt (metaphorically speaking- go easy on the salt!!)

Here's a challenge... Google any food, followed by "Superfood" and just look at how many articles come up ( maybe not "McDonald's Chicken McNugget, Superfood" be realistic here)

One I hate in particular is: "5 Foods You MUST Eat"

This annoys me because people starting out look at these foods, go out and buy them and try to start their healthy eating by forcing down foods they don't actually like, purely because an article on Facebook told them to. So, ultimately they get sick of them, leave them rot in the fridge and lose out on their end goal: to be healthier.

Forget that certain foods are a "Must Have!" and if you don't eat them you won't be slim or strong or healthy etc. etc. etc.. Whole, natural, good quality foods are ALL " Superfoods" and they all have different benefits.

So here's what you do ('s really easy):

Pick a protein source (meat, chicken, fish, eggs, turkey) choose one your favourites, and have that as part of your meal.

Pick a green veg (spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage ) choose your favourite and have that as part of your meal.

Pick a colourful veg (peppers, red onion, carrots) choose your favourite and have that as part of your meal.

Pick a carb source (potatoes, rice, butternut squash, oats) choose your favourite and have that as part of your meal.

Pick a healthy fat source (nuts, avocado, oils, butters) choose your favourite and have that as part of your meal.

If you have one of these in each meal, and try to vary it as much as you can, so you get the benefits of them all, you won't be missing out on anything. Obviously you should have more of some categories than others but I won't get into that here (Hint- if carbs is the biggest sized portion on your plate your doing it wrong!)

Stop eating foods you don't like because you think they are better than others. Yes, it might be slightly better but if you can't even bring yourself to taste never mind eat it then where is the benefit in that?? Pick the foods from those categories you enjoy, eat them and you will be covered for  your macronutrient, vitamin and mineral needs!!

Video: People Try “Superfoods” For The First Time

Credit: BuzzFeedBlue

Via: Graham Norton

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