
6 Quit Smoking Tips To Help You Kick That Habit For Good

Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you'll ever do. As much as we might enjoy a smoke break the things it does to your health is incomprehensible and I know first hand the damage smoking causes to your body.

In the last year and a half, I gave up smoking for 12 months. I was thrilled with myself and for the first time in years, I had the energy to run on a treadmill for an hour without wheezing, buy things, go to random events cause I had extra cash and I finally stopped smelling like cigarettes.

Unfortunately, the death of a dear friend brought grief, sadness, and stress which meant cigarettes came back into my life with a bang, and I used them as a coping mechanism. Immediately my health declined, I started wheezing again, money I didn't have was being spent on tobacco and my teeth, which had become whiter from not smoking, started to stain.

One week ago today I bought my last pack of cigarettes and I am already reaping the benefits. Once again, I have nearly stopped using my inhaler, I have more energy and I ran for the bus this morning without wheezing! The worst aspects of not smoking have probably been the cravings every few hours, strange dreams and mood swings. Here are some tips and advice to help you quit smoking:

1. Learn to Deal With Stress

We all know life can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Learn to deal with stress and emotions that you may not experience every day and prepare for its inevitability. Smoking acted as a crutch for me when I was stressed but in the long term it stressed me out even more. Knowing how to deal with stress will help you quit smoking for good.

2. Cold Turkey

Perhaps the most difficult but rewarding thing you can do is go cold turkey. Choose the day that you'll decide to stop smoking and stick to it. Use as many tools as you can to help you through this phase. Start by clearing your space of any smoking paraphernalia, you don't need to be reminded of those ciggies.

3. Prescription Pills

Your Doctor can prescribe certain medications that help ease your transition from smoker to non-smoker. Some medication sends receptors to your brain which block nicotine whilst others make you dislike the taste of cigarettes and react negatively to nicotine.

4. Nicotine Replacement

Patches, gum hypnosis and vaping are all forms of nicotine replacement. Hypnosis can replace your need for a cigarette with things like apples or water. Vaping can save you money and help you get off the cigarettes but remember to reduce your nicotine by choosing a low nicotine level liquid. Vaping can help in situations where you might be tempted to smoke such as when alcohol is involved.

5.  Support

Find your support network. Ask your mates or family to help your quit the fix for good. Support is available on websites such as or ask your GP about the support that is available for you. Don't beat yourself up if you fall off the bandwagon. Try and not replace your addiction with another addiction! Understanding stress and its triggers will help you overcome any repeating habits.

6. Reward Yourself and Be Proud

Plan a non-smoking milestone you want to achieve. On average a person can spend up to €1,500 a year on cigarettes. If you make it through four weeks of not smoking then reward yourself with new clothes or book those flights you couldn't afford until now! The money you save not smoking can go towards your the holiday and will more than likely cover your costs.

When you start your non-smoking journey you'll start to notice health changes. According to some of the signs your body is getting better include:

  • Improved breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Coughing to clear the respiratory system
  • Headaches due to oxygen being fully able to reach your brain
  • Tingling in your hands and feet

Check out this video and watch what happens to your body and life when you stop smoking:

For more information about quitting smoking visit

Also Read: 9 Essential Must-Know Tips For Gym Newbies

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