
27 Reasons Irish Girls Love Penneys...

Ahh Penneys - the one true love of every Irish girl.

Below are some of the reasons we truly love Penneys almost as much as we love our mums:

1) You can actually afford the stuff in here.

How many hours have you wandered around its labyrinth of reasonably priced everything?

2) You can buy an entire outfit in 40 minutes

…..including shoes,underwear, the exact right shade of bra and 2 to 3 pieces of jewelry and maybe even have change for a Supermacs..

3) Displaying your haul on your bed is so satisfying-

4) Fighting with other shoppers over the last S/S 2014 essential kimono even though you don't need it, But you want it.

5) Getting lost once inside .. but secretly happy to ditch your friends just so you can browse easier

6) Tights - Who the hell buys tights in river island? Or Topshop ? or even forever 21- not Irish girls that's who...

Penney's has the best tights

7) Bras and Knickers- I honestly don't know anyone who buys the majority of their underwear elsewhere...

Pretty plunge bra for  6 yoyos? Yes please.

8) Their Socks

9) Picking up a carrier basket even though you’ve only come in for ‘a look around’ can be tough..

They are deceptively deep..

10) It’s part of the Irish female psyche to need €4 ballerina pumps

11) Where would be on Saturday night without a trusty pair of Penney’s pumps in our handbags?

12) Penneys Bikinis are the Sh*t

Trick is to buy them now as all the good bikinis sell out by the end of May..

13) The jewelry is a steal..

14) Cocoa Brown

Making Irish people look bronzed in the depths of Winter..

15) Pre Festival Frenzy

Aztec print Wellies? ✓ A range of Wipes and Hand sanitizer? ✓ Cool urban print rain jacket ✓✓✓ Penny’s has your back for every festival.

16) The Short Lived Fitness Frenzy

New years resolutions are born while shopping away your January blues. Only 7 euro for yoga pants? And I need a cute water bottle for all my hydration needs!

17) The Onesies

Because it’s not Christmas without a fleecy reasonably priced Onesie.

18) The Crowds

We love a good crowd – everyone’s there because everything’s wonderful.

19) The Arguing

You did see that mesh top that’s only €2 first…  #catfight

20) The almost convincing fake Chanel handbags

21) Knowing to avoid the Penney’s in Rathfarnham...

It doesn’t live up to the reputation.

22) Knowing that the Mary’s Street one is a mecca.

23) Being able to say ‘Thanks, Penneys’ when someone compliments you

24) Random Quotes on Stuff

25) €8 denim shorts

Yes please!

26) Having a new outfit for every night out

27) It’s the Ultimate Irish Success Story -

It’s the only thing not trying to rip us off and still trying to make us look beautiful. Thank you!

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Therese Walsh is a recent graduate of University College Dublin with the entirely employable degree of English and music. She enjoys the facts on the inside of snapple caps and writing mini biographies.