
Runny Nose And Itchy Eyes: 21 Struggles Of Having Hay Fever

Unless you suffer from it, nobody will understand the true pain and struggle of having hay fever. You look like you're dying of a Winter cold even though the sun is shining, and you want to rip your eyes out they're so goddamn itchy. You can't be excited for summer without dreading the inevitable onset of sneezes that will plague every. second. of. the. day. These are just some of the struggle that only people with hay fever will understand:

1) It's not a summer specialty.

Even though it's at its worst during the summer, hay fever can raise its ugly head any time of the year, making you a slobbery, sniffy mess pretty much 24/7.

2) Do I really have a cold this time or is it just allergies?

It can be hard to figure out when you actually do have a cold and are in need of a duvet day, or when it's just hay fever.

3) Savouring the days when you can breathe.

Once Summer hits, the ability to breathe through your nose soon disappears. You then spend your days regretting the time you didn't savour, the time when you could breathe properly, and treasuring the days you can, because they're limited.

4) Constantly crying.

You can't watch TV or look at anything because your eyes are watering so much. You look like you're having a big sob ALL THE TIME.

5) Protection.

Never daring to go outside if you aren't armed with sunglasses, otherwise prepare for your slow and itchy death.

6) The many, many medications.

Tablets, eye drops, nose drops, ear drops, you name it. You need to stock up on them every morning and sometimes even every night to try and keep your airways clear.

7) Going au naturel.

Say goodbye to make-up. Between your runny nose and crying eyes, foundation just slides right off. Good luck putting it on over your nose after blowing it 20 times the day before.

8) Run run run.

Your nose joins your eyes in the race to your chin. They just stream away and soon you have a delightfully snotty face. But even then it doesn't clear your nose, because you're still too blocked up to breathe.

9) It's not amusing.

With hay fever comes the onset of laughter when people hear you have it. They don't believe it's anything, and not a real condition. IT IS REAL GUYS AND IT IS A BIG DEAL AND YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SO SHUT UP.

10) Downloading all the necessary apps.

You download every app available that will tell you the pollen count instantly, so you know whether it's safe or not to go outside.

11) Not being strong enough.

You can only go outside if the pollen count is at a certain level, because otherwise you will just basically DIE.

12) People thinking you're high.

Even though you try to convince them you're not, your red eyes seem to say something different. No, I'm not high. But thanks for asking.

13) Staying away from all things green.

If you do manage to go outside, your trips are limited as you can only go out to places full of buildings and concrete with zero trees, grass, plants, weeds. Anything that grows, really.

14) The disbelief.

Having to convince people that hay fever is a real thing, and them thinking you're just being dramatic.

15) Sneezes.

Sneezing. 100s of them. Every second. Say hello to sore ribs the next day.

16) Loss of vision.

Your eyes grow three times in size and you can't see out of them because they are so puffy.

17) Stocking up on tissues.

You need at least three in your jeans, four in your jumper pocket, and another five in your bag. Just in case.

18) Having to restrain your hands.

It takes all the power you have to not your itch your eyes. And if you can't resist, say goodbye to your eyelashes and hello to hours of itchiness and pain.

19) Never relaxing.

You can't sit still and relax, let alone SLEEP, because you either can't breathe, can't stop sneezing or sniffing.

20) Just like a spa.

You spend so much time just sitting at home with wet tissue on your eyes to cool them down, you're basically at a spa.

21) Who's there?

With so much sneezing, you sound so blocked up nobody can recognise you, let alone understand you. May you suffer in silence.

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Self-confessed cat lady, Clodagh is known for her sneezing and laziness. She is most often found on the couch or in bed, usually accompanied by her laptop and pizza. When she isn't doing nothing, she studies English and French in Maynooth. But that's very rare.